WARNING - This tool should not be used with Syniti Data Workbench version 10 or later. For version 10 and later, use the install guides provided when you download the product.
This document is based on the installation guide (available on this site), but is specifically focused on an Enterprise (client - server) installation.
Enterprise Install:
The following steps must be followed if a dedicated machine will be used to host the server components of the Data Workbench.
1. Run the installation Application (DataWorkbenchSetup.exe) on the computer that will be the server, known as the QAS Server.
2. On the Select Components page, select Enterprise Server Installation from the drop down list and click the Next Button.
*Note You may also select all three components if you plan to use the Data Workbench front end application on the QAS Server.
3. The final page of the installation displays which required components will be installed. The components that may be installed are listed below.
In order for users to connect to the QAS Server from the application, the Quadrate Authentication Service must be running. This can be confirmed in the Windows utility services.exe.
Client Installation:
The following installation steps must be used for clients that will be connecting to server components that have been installed on a separate machine (the QAS Server).
1. Run the installation application (DataWorkbenchSetup.exe).
2. On the Select Components page, select Enterprise Client Installation from the drop down list and click the Next Button.
3. The Enterprise Server Setup page is where the details of the Enterprise Server are entered. This is what connects the users Data Workbench front end application to the QAS Server.