Note: This article applies to version 9.13 (and earlier) of the Data Workbench product.
Running Data Workbench and, at times, logging in generates an error message referencing the SQL Server Connection.
To resolve this issue, apply the first solution; if the issue persists, apply the next solution.
- Verify the Server
- Modify the Config File and Update the Connection String
- Correct Syntax Errors
- Verify the Password
During upgrades, and on other undetermined occasions, logging in to the Data Workbench generates this error message:
To resolve this issue, apply the first solution; if the issue persists, apply the next solution.
Verify the Server
In Windows Local Services, verify that the SQL Server Browser is running on the same server as the SQL Server.
If the issue persists after applying that fix, proceed with the following steps.
Modify the Config File and Update the Connection String
- Locate the server on which the QAS service is running.
- On that server, navigate to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Quadrate\QAS install directory.
- Make a backup of the file QuadrateAuthenticationServer.Service.exe.config.
- Edit the QuadrateAuthenticationServer.Service.exe.config file to delete the Encrypted Connection String section:
<connectionStrings configProtectionProvider="DataProtectionConfigurationProvider">
5. Copy the following Connection String into the QuadrateAuthenticationServer.Service.exe.config file:
<add name="QuadrateAuthenticationServer.DataLayer.Properties.Settings.QuadrateAuthenticationServerConnectionString"
connectionString="Data Source=localhost\QUADRATE;Initial Catalog=QAS;Persist Security Info=True;User
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
- Replace localhost with the name or IP address of the server where the SQL Server is located.
- Restart the QAS service in Windows Local Services.
- If the issue persists, check for syntax errors.
Correct Syntax Errors
- Make sure that the <connectionStrings> line comes right after the </configSections> line.
- Make sure there is a </connectionStrings> line before the <system.runtime.remoting> line.
- Restart the QAS service in Windows Local Services.
- If the issue persists, verify the password.
Verify the Password
- If the version of the Data Workbench is 9.13 or older, change the password to Qu@dr8q@s in QuadrateAuthenticationServer.Service.exe.config.
- Restart the QAS service in Windows Local Services.