Dynamic Rules
In a dynamic workflow, a change request is sent to an approver based on whatever conditions are selected in the table for the dynamic node. These conditions can be based on attribute values or attribute changes. If the data in the change request meets more than one condition in the table, the change request will be routed to the approver given first in the table, so the conditions should be arranged according to priority. If none of the conditions in the table are met, the change request will be routed to the approver in the default row, the first row in the table.
1. On the Requestor node select then to add node for Dynamic Rules
2. Enter Description (optional). If entered, the description will be included with the name of the workflow step for use in business rules and field properties.
Dynamic Workflow Based on Attribute Values
The workflow may be configured to compare by attribute values or compare by attribute changes. If comparison by attribute values is required, follow these steps.
- Compare by Attribute Values will already be selected as the default option. After attributes are added, this selection cannot be changed.
- Add Attribute and Entity/Attribute to be used as the condition for the workflow. Select Add additional attributes as required.
3. Select Add Rule for each row required and enter details for each row. The first row is called the default row and does not contain any attribute values. It is used if the change request does not meet any of the other conditions.
- Attribute Values
- Approver Type
- Approver
- Step Type
- CR Status (optional). If a CR status is selected here, it will override any values selected in the Connections table for this node. CR Status is not selectable here for the default row of the table, so if a particular status is required for the default row, it should be selected in the Connections table.
Select . Then choose a transport request and package to save the changes
4. Edit connections from each node as described in standard workflow section.
5. Validate the dynamic workflow and then Save .
6. Once the workflow is saved, BRF decision tables are created and populated automatically. Decision tables are populated for Rule Based Workflow allowing maintenance even for complex scenarios in RDG with no prior knowledge in ABAP, BRF+ configuration and BADI implementations.
Dynamic Workflow Based on Attribute Changes
The workflow may be configured to compare by attribute values or compare by attribute changes. If comparison by attribute changes is required, follow these steps.
1. Select Attribute Changes from the Compare By box. After attributes are added, this selection cannot be changed.
2. Select Add Rule for each row required. Choose entity/attribute and click Add Column. Add as many rows as required.
3. Enter details for each row. The first row is called the default row and does not contain any attribute values. It is used if the change request does not meet any of the other conditions.
- Approver Type
- Approver
- Step Type
- CR Status (optional). If a CR status is selected here, it will override any values selected in the Connections table for this node. CR Status is not selectable here for the default row of the table, so if a particular status is required for the default row, it should be selected in the Connections table.
In this workflow, if the value of PCTRDEPT, PCRTRESPU, or PCTRRESPP has changed, the change request will be routed to the approver in that row. (It will only be routed to one approver: the first match that is found in the table. For this reason, it is important to list the attributes in order of priority in the table). If none of these attributes were changed, the change request will be routed to the approver in the first, default row.