Some users have experienced issues downloading data from SAP tables with LCHR datatypes when the underlying SAP Database stores the data in a CLOB field. The issue causes tables to fail during refresh in Collect. Refer to View Configuration of Data Source Table SQL Commands for more information on how to view Data Source Table SQL Commands.
Configure the Assemble package to convert the CLOB columns to variable-length text. Then refresh the package in Collect.
To manually configure for CLOB columns:
Click Assemble > Packages in the Navigation pane.
Double-click the failed package to open the Vertical View.
Edit the [Source SQL] query to convert any CLOB field to a string datatype of sufficient length. In the following example, a DB2 CLOB field named "PROFS" is being converted to VARCHAR(32000).
Ex: Select "MANDT", "BNAME", "MODDA", "MODTI", "MODBE", "NRPRO", CAST("PROFS" AS VARCHAR(32000)) "PROFS" From "SAPSR3"."USR04" Where "MANDT" = '100'
Click the Create Target Table button.
On the Advanced Properties tab, check the Target Delete Records check box.
Click Save.
Click Collect > Targets in the Navigation pane.
- Click Sources for the Target.
- Click Tables for the Source.
Change the [Package Type] value of the Table to ManualCranPort.
Click Build And Refresh on the Page toolbar.
This will allow you to remove the CLOB columns and successfully rebuild the packages. If you have any questions or issues, contact Syniti Software Support at