Note: This issue occurs most often with the SOURCE field in the BUT000 table, but it could occur with any column that happens to match one of the reserved zFields in the Syniti migration methodology, such as zActive or zSource.
After creating a Source Table using SQL AutoGen, the zSource column is not included. This prevents the zSource column from being added to the Source Insert Rule in Transform. When processing the Target or Source in Transform, an error like this displays:
“Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'zSource', table 'dswW01_BP.dbo.ttBUT000'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated. TargetSourceRule: srBUT000_AXAPTA_CUSTTABLEIns 09b8e287-ba27-4763-8519-40aebbdcf208 failed to execute.”
- Select Design in the Context menu.
- Click the Targets icon.
- Click the Target Fields icon for the Target containing the table that was built using AutoGen.
- Locate the [Source] field on the Target Fields page and delete the [Source] field.
- Delete the [Source] field from the Target System Type.
- In Target Design, select the Target on the Targets page and click the Sync to Map button.
- In SQL AutoGen, create the Source Table again.
The zSource column should now be included in the Source Table.