Periodically, the DSP service light (located in the top right corner of the DSP) remains red, even when services are running as normal and no error messages display.
When the DSP service light is red even when services are running as normal, try these solutions in the following order:
1. Clear Cache
To clear cache:
- Click Admin > Configuration > Parameters in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Clear Cache button.
If the DSP service light remains red, verify that the server times are in sync.
2. Verify Server Times are in Sync
In addition to the DSP service light being controlled by Parameters, it is also controlled by the LastRun value in the CranSoft.dbo.Service table. Therefore, verify that both the Application Server and the Database Server times are in sync. If you don’t have remote access to these servers, ask a server administrator to report the exact times of the system clocks. These times must match.
3. Send the DSP Service Details to Syniti Support
If clearing cache doesn’t reset the DSP service light to green and if the Application Server and the Database Server are already in sync:
- Run the following query: Select * from CranSoft.dbo.Service.
- Send the query results in Excel with headers to Syniti Support.