DISCLAIMER - The Installation Requirements Check Tool has been developed by Syniti Software Support to identify items in the SST/DSP installation manual that are commonly missed. The tool only reads data from the SST application server. There is no risk of data being updated in any way. If a problem occurs in the tool, please open a ticket at support.syniti.com to report it. Our primary goal will be to work with you to complete your SST installation or upgrade, with or without the Installation Requirements Check Tool. While the tool itself is free and unsupported, we will make note of any issue or feature request in case the tool can be updated to address it.
Usage Instructions
The following steps assume you have attempted to complete all of the pre-requisite items listed in the SST/DSP installation manual. In other words, you have worked through the manual up until you reach a section titled "Install Package Manager and Stewardship Tier".
It's also possible that you have begun the installation or upgrade of the SST and have encountered an error. If that's the case, then the following steps might explain the cause of the error.
- Download the [SST Installation Requirements Check.exe] file linked below and place it on the SST application server. If you do not have access to the SST application server, then you can forward this article to the team/individual who does have access, instructing them to begin with step 2.
- Right-click on the file and select 'Properties'.
- If there is an 'Unblock' button in the bottom-right corner, click on it. Then click 'OK'.
- Double-click on the file. Click 'Yes' on the pop-up message.
- NOTE: The tool only reads data from the SST application server. There is no risk of data being updated in any way.
- Click 'Next' on the first screen.
- Take a screenshot of the second screen.
- Hover your cursor over any red text to see if there are tooltip warnings or recommendations.
- Tick the checkbox in the lower-left corner and then click 'Next'.
- Populate the [SERVER\INSTANCE], [DSP User Name], & [DSP User Password] fields with data from the section of the SST/DSP installation manual titled "Before Proceeding with the Stewardship Tier Installation". Specifically, these fields can be populated with the values from entries 3, 4, & 5 of this section.
- Click the 'Test' button.
- Take a screenshot of the third screen.
- Hover your cursor over any red text to see if there are tooltip warnings or recommendations.
- Tick the checkbox in the lower-left corner and then click 'Next'.
- Take a screenshot of the fourth screen.
- Hover your cursor over any red text to see if there are tooltip warnings or recommendations.
- Tick the checkbox in the lower-left corner and then click 'Exit'.
- Send your 3 screenshots to whoever requested you use this tool. If you found this tool on your own and are still struggling with an SST installation issue, then please open a ticket at support.syniti.com to report the issue and provide the 3 screenshots as attachments.