Data Connectivity Issues & Questions
- 1011 - SQL0490 - "Numeric value 61504 not valid" on creating stored procedure
- 1039 - Packages may cause issues following an OS upgrade
- 1043 - Package Names and Authorizations for Db2 Packages
- 1047 - Syntax for dropping a table on IBM i
- 1056 - Using Journals with IBM Db2 for i
- 1057 - Multithreading support
- 1061 - QZDASOINIT Uses too Much Processing Power
- 1062 - WSAECONNREFUSED 10061 Error
- 1079 - Connection fails because IBM Db2 for i setup is incomplete
- 1149 - Using Static SQL to improve performance
- 1173 - How to Create and Stop a Low Level or Global Trace File
- 1177 - Transactions with IBM Db2 for i
- 1206 - Query fails when Library Name contains a Period (‘.’)
- 1226 - How to change a query job priority
- 1269 - Set a Database Trigger in IBM DB2 for i
- 1305 - Default Db2 Settings
- 1367 - Using the IBM Db2 for i job log to identify errors
- 1561 - Securing Ports via a Firewall in Client/Server TCP Communication with IBM i
- 1574 - Handling Corrupted Packages
- 1660 - Choosing the Correct HiT Db2 Data Connector
- 1667 - Installing SafeConduct Server on IBM i/AS400
- 4001 - Creating new certificates for SafeConduct
- 4003 - Performance impact of SafeConduct on applications
- 4006 - SafeConduct Setup - Administrator Tasks