1. Go to an existing key generation task (below assumes your table has emails in it)
2. Go to the outputs tab, click to enable outputs
The output table gets created at the same time as the key generation
3. Click advanced, go to the advanced tab
Where it says quality scoring – enable it, we suggest leaving the rest of it alone.
The other one people commonly change is the ‘consider casing’, but that’s only if your data is always in CAPS, otherwise we might falsely assume something is an acronym when it isn’t.
set abbreviate state to true
4. Go back to the filtering tab, set to do on email only as ex, then delete
Here you can control what records are used for the key generation. So if you have a flag such as to only run this on records with an email that isn’t blank, or you could flag the valid vs invalid records for example and only work on a subset.
If you have a more complicated filter you need to apply, it may be better to select that subset into a separate table, or use a view instead. We would advise doing that over trying to do something more complicated with the sampling.
5. Save the task and run it.
Here are some things an output table could possibly produce for you:
- show a name parsed out
- show a company that was all caps as a proper case
- show a state that got abbreviated
- show a zip that was extracted
The best way still to correct and parse an address is through our address validation module - addressIT,
Other Items:
- show email parsed
- show email that has varying quality scores
Here's a key of the Email Quality Scores:
0 = empty, nonsense
1 = invalid format
2 = invalid top-level domain (com, org, uk, fr etc.)
5 = generic username (sales, support, postmaster etc.)
6 = username doesn’t match the firstname & lastname from the Input fields
7 = webmail domain (eg. Hotmail.com, mail.com) if WebmailFiltering is enabled
9 = neither of the above apply