Version (August 1, 2013)
New Features:
- Added fixed values to BDC templates.
- Relationship columns with different types are now supported.
- Uploads can now be scheduled in minute intervals.
- Ability to automatically check for new updates.
- Default for new multi-line load files changed to Single Sheet.
- Improved performance.
- Upload Mappings with un-related templates can now run independently without a data source relationship.
- Scheduled Uploads can now be simulated.
- Template Browser and Upload Mapping Browser now remember your selection after performing edits.
Fixed Bugs:
- Error when uploading Upload Mapping from Upload section until a standard upload has been run.
- Conditional scripts in Upload Mappings were not performing comparisons with the correct data types in all cases.
- Object Reference error when Activating License Online with no internet connection.
- Blank Rows and Columns in Excel would get removed after uploads.
- Fixed issue with nested loops where record counts were not being retrieved correctly and leading to potential errors during upload.
- Issue when importing templates exported from Version 9.3.
- Error when loading data from Excel files containing certain calculated formulas.
- Long Text recordings now correctly deal with text greater than 255 characters.
- Deleting a user group in the User Management section threw an error.
- Fixed error in User Preferences when GUI Script options were not present in the registry.
- Fixed issue with GUI Scripting template conditionals where they were not evaluated correctly within loops.
- Using Run Once Options could throw an error when columns could not be found in a load file.
- Row highlighting is altered when performing a step through.
- Deleting a concurrent user could cause an error.
- Fixed error when applying Upload Mapping Scripts to Long Text fields.
- Sorting was disabled in the upload mapping and template browsers.
- Simulated uploads were being applied to user's overall upload count.