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Release Notes Syniti Data Workbench 10.1.17 (3/22/21)
New Features
- Improved the Installation and Upgrade process with new dialogs and directions
- Added support for MS Windows Server 2016 for Data Workbench Enterprise Server
- Added a 'Refresh' button when working with MS Excel file locations
- Reorganized list of users to display in alphabetical order
- Improved message when deleting BDC recording
- Added display of SAP logged-in user/ SAP logged-in user for SSO
- Added a message when Upload was completed with errors
- Introduced multiple language descriptions support for queries, tables and fields
- Added shortcut for Configuration and Diagnostics application
- Added warning messages for SAP users who cannot run download queries
Bug Fixes
- Fixed ab Object Reference Error that occurred when editing relationship in Upload Mapping Editor in V10.0.27
- Fixed an issue related to Data Workbench creating the SAPLOGON_LSXML_FILE environment variable
- Fixed an issue where GUI uploads were closing the SAP session after each record
- Fixed an issue with recording GUI scripts when using SSO
- Fixed an error with uploading a Date Excel Column (10.0.27)
- Fixed an incomplete error message returned while uploading data into SAP
- Fixed an issue with managing the tag structure (10.0.27)
- Fixed an issue with mismatch of Hardware ID on VMs (10.0.27)
- Fixed an issue where uploads through batch command using MS Access data sources failed with 14+ records on error tables
- Fixed users can now update permissions
- Fixed a missing System ID adding Message Server from System Tab for SAP GUI version 7.4/7.5
- Fixed an issue where foreign keys were not created automatically in queries (10.0)
- Fixed Dictionary Refresh issues (10.0)
- Fixed an issue where QAS/QEE were not stopping during uninstall
- Fixed an issue where windows behind active window had enabled buttons
- Fixed a GUI Scripting recording issue using SAP system instance NAME with a space in it
- Fixed an error message on using the download feature with a SAP System where Z_QUADRATE_EXTRACT is not present
- Fixed Enterprise Server installation issues
- Fixed a messaging issue when Scripting is disabled in SAP GUI
- Fixed a GUI Scripting issue where Data Workbench tries to upload each record if scripting is disabled
- LocalHost can now be used for SQL Server location
- Fixed an issue where download was not working after recording + upload
- Fixed an issue where download table information was missing due to the language used in SAP connection
- Fixed issues with numeric decimals when changing Windows Region numeric formats
- Fixed an issue with duplicate records in QAS query tables
- Fixed an issue where user permissions always match the group permissions