If you are unable to send ISA reports to users via email, this issue is likely the result of a User profile missing a [LANGUAGE ID] value. This is a known issue in ISA implementations that we hope to address in a future release.
To determine if the problem is because of a User profile missing a [LANGUAGE ID] value, run this query to identify the User:
USE dspMonitor_AccPak
SELECT dbo.ttProject.Project, dbo.ttProject.ProjectID, dbo.ttProjectDistribution.Distribution,
dbo.ttProjectDistributionUser.ProjectDistributionUserID, ISNULL(CranSoft.dbo.[User].EMailAddress, '')
AS EMailAddress, CranSoft.dbo.[User].LanguageID
FROM dbo.ttProject INNER JOIN
dbo.ttProjectDistribution ON dbo.ttProject.ProjectID = dbo.ttProjectDistribution.ProjectID INNER JOIN
dbo.ttProjectDistributionUser ON dbo.ttProjectDistribution.ProjectDistributionID =
dbo.ttProjectDistributionUser.ProjectDistributionID INNER JOIN CranSoft.dbo.[User] ON
dbo.ttProjectDistributionUser.UserID = CranSoft.dbo.[User].UserID
WHERE (dbo.ttProjectDistributionUser.Active = 1) AND (ISNULL(CranSoft.dbo.[User].EMailAddress, '') = '') OR
(dbo.ttProjectDistributionUser.Active = 1) AND (CranSoft.dbo.[User].LanguageID IS NULL)
Once you know your problem is a missing [LANGUAGE ID] value and you have identified the user using the above query, go to the Admin -> Security -> Users page and update the [LANGUAGE ID] value appropriately.