Add the new CranSoft Service with the CranBerry Configurator:
1. Run the CranBerryConfigurator from the CranSoft Install Directory/web/bin by right clicking the app in Windows Explorer and choosing the Run as administrator option.
2. When the Configurator tool opens, select Service from the toolbar and choose the Create Instance option.
3. When the CranSoft Service Installation Wizard opens, enter the following fields using the values that were used for the initial CranSoft service:
Server, Database,User Name, Password, Connection TimeOut, Command Timeout
Then press the Next button.
4. On the following screen, enter a new Service Name. It MUST be different than the current service.
Press the Finish button.
5. The original and the new service will now appear in the left hand panel.
6. Close the Cranberry Configurator window.
Start the new CranSoft Service:
1. On Web Application Server, go to the Administrative Tools and select the Services option.
2. After the Services screen displays, right click on the new CranSoft Service that you created and choose the START option.
3. Close the Services window.
Using the CranSoft webapp, add a new queue:
(This step is optional. You can move one of the existing queues to point to the new CranSoft Service or you can create new queue(s) for the new service)
1. In CranSoft, go to Admin/Configuration/Service/Queues.
2. After the Queues window displays, add a new queue. You will receive a warning that states the queue isn't associated with any service providers.
Click the Green Check Icon to save.
(Note: You may create as many queues as needed)
Using the CranSoft webapp, add queues to the new service:
1. In CranSoft, go to Admin/Configuration/Service/Service Providers.
2. After the window displays, click on the Queues Icon next to the newly created service.
3. After the Service Queues window displays, enter the priority of this queue, choose a queue that is not already used on another service and enter the maximum number of threads you would like to go to that queue and Save.
The saved queue should appear similar to as follows.