Instance Trim
- Events (Stored Procedure) - webInstance_Trim_Del - Deletes expired Interface Instances.
- Schedule - once a day
- Failed job Action
- If this job fails once, there is no concern, but if it fails 2 or more times in a row, that might be a sign that there are too many records in the Interface Instance table to delete. The delete will probably have to be done manually in SSMS, preferably while the dsp service is down.
Site Maintenance
- Events (Stored Procedure) - webParamSiteMaintenaceLoggingDel - Delete expired logging entries; webParamSiteMaintenaceBrowsingDel - Trim expired LogicalPathInstanceBrowse table.
- Schedule - once a day
- Failed job Action
- If this job fails once, there is no concern, but if it fails 2 or more times in a row, that might be a sign that there are too many records in the Interface Log table or the LogicalPathInstanceBrowse to delete. The delete will probably have to be done manually in SSMS, preferably while the dsp service is stopped.
Interface (Initiator)
- Events (External Page) - InterfaceServer:Interfaces:Process In ForegroundBackground Process Interface - Checks each of the Interface Jobs to determine if they need to be submitted.
- Schedule - every 30 seconds (default value) - It's best to increase the Service Qty so the job is submitted to run less frequently. (2 minutes would be an acceptable amount.).
- Failed Job Action
- This service job may fail occasionally which is okay because it will just resubmit itself depending on the value of the Service Qty. If there are many failures in a row, evaluation of the reasons for the failures should be investigated.
Interface (Retry)
- Events (External Page) - InterfaceServer:Interfaces:Process In ForegroundBackground Retry Interface - This job checks all Interface Jobs that have a Validation that is set to Retry. This service page will check any Interface Server job that is on hold due to a Retry value not being meant
- Schedule - every 30 seconds (default value) - It's best to increase the Service Qty so this job is submitted less frequently. (2-5 minutes would be an acceptable amount).
- Failed Job Action
- This service job may fail occasionally which is okay because it will just resubmit itself depending on the value of the Service Qty. If there are many failures in a row, evaluation of the reasons for the failures should be investigated.
Interface (Handle Service Drops)
- Events (Stored Procedure) - webInterfaceHandleZombifiedInterfacesUpd - Check to see if the proceeding External Page has failed which, in normal circumstances, should not fail. If this does happen, the interfaces are left in a zombified state and will need certain values updated so that they can run again, specifically, LastRunCompleted being left in limbo can cause issues.This stored procedure should be updated whenever additional state dependent features are added to Interfaces that could potentially not always update correctly
- Schedule - every 45 seconds (default value) - It's best to increase the Service Qty so this job is submitted less frequently. (2-5 minutes would be an acceptable amount).
- Failed Job Action
- This service job may fail occasionally which is okay because it will just resubmit itself depending on the value of the Service Qty. If there are many failures in a row, evaluation of the reasons for the failures should be investigated.