Framework Version: 5.3.3.X
Application: BDCdirect® 5.4
Description of the problem
In BDCdirect, the drop down for the data source id on the Script page is not showing the list of the databases.
Below is the screenshot of the current page.
If the view design under the BDCDirect database looks like below:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[boaDataSourceSel]
SELECT '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' AS [DataSourceID],'1' AS [DataSourceName],'1' AS [Database],'1' AS [UserID],'1' AS [DSN],'1' AS [Path],'1' AS [Port]WHERE 1 = 0
The first thing to try is to go to your SysAdmin / Configuration / DataSources page and validate (ie click status icon) the BDCDirect datasource.
Resolution Steps, try each in turn until the problem is resolved:
1. If validating the datasource does not resolve the problem, please run the following query in SSMS:
SELECT DataSourceID, DataSourceName
FROM BDCDirect.dbo.boaDataSourceSel
If the query results in zero rows, then, go through the following steps to recompile the objects in all relevant data sources, including data sources for all dependent applications such as BDCDirect, DataGarage, and CranSoft:
- Go to System Administration
- Go to Configuration>Data Sources and find each data source
- Click on the Recompile Objects button.
- When this has completed, click the Status icon (the paper with the pushpin).
This may need to be done multiple times. Also it is possible with SQL Server 2008, an error message will be generated which says that the recompile failed when it actually worked. If this occurs, open the view in Management Studio in Design mode and then save it.
Once these steps have been completed, clear the application cache by going to Administration>Configuration>Parameters and clicking the Clear Cache button.
2. That view should have been updated when the BDCDirect datasource was validated. Go to CranSoft/Admin/Data Sources and click on the vertical next to the BDCDirect datasource. On the Deprecated Properties tab, the System Views should be checked? If it isn't, then check it and then validate the BDCDirect datasource again.
3. Make sure that the field Server is populated in the BDCDirect datasource (via SSMS) and update the value to the same as that for the CranSoft datasource if necessary. Then validate the datasource and the boa views should be created successfully.