When upgrading to 6.6 from 6.5.x or a prior version, an issue can occur that causes the installation to fail.
To complete the upgrade, start by running the update again "As Administrator":
- Locate the Package Manager Console in the Windows Start Menu. For example, in Windows 2008, navigate using the Start Menu to Start > All Programs > CranSoft > CranSoft Package Manager Console.
- Right-click the Package Manager Console and select Run as Administrator.
- At the prompt, type and execute: Install-BOASolutions
- If the upgrade fails at the same spot, open a support ticket to request a replacement delta script for 6.6.0014.InsertLookupTableSettings. Once you have this script, replace the delta in the unpacked files with the revised script.
[install location]\BOA\DSP\Databases\Apps\DSPCommon\Components\objects\Deltas - Run Install-boasolutions in the Package Manager Console (as Administrator).