Solution: DSP
Version: 6.6
Component: Transform and Assemble
To generate target export reports with two headers, technical field and field description, you can use the Export Type = Local file to create a report in the directory that fulfills these requirements.
Transform > Exports > Export Type > Local File
Go to Vertical view > Export Name > click to open
Vertical view > Advanced properties > Target Header Type > Both
Until here, everything is pretty straightforward and you should not have any issues. Now, if you click on generate the report and open it from the folder (previously configured) you will see two headers, but both with the same text (the technical name);
This is because the associated Catalog has not been assigned.
You can learn more about Catalogs in the Online Help and in my previous post:
In this scenario, we need to add the Catalog, where we hold the translations for the technical names, to the WebApp CranPort.
Admin > Customization > WebApp Customization > CranPort > Catalogs (if the CranPort WebApp does not display on the Catalogs page, you may not have permission to view it).
Then, you add your Catalog;
Now that everything is set up, you can go back to your CranPort package and execute it again. The new result:
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Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.