Solution: DSP
Version: 6.6.0
Component: Any
There are a few features in DSP that are not very common and which are not covered in the basic training courses. I am going to cover one of the features people have frequently asked me about.
You can assign help text to a specific column. This type of help, called Dynamic Help or Page Column Help, can be added at the WebApp level or the Page level using catalogs. You can also add Page Help, which involves the assignment of help text to a page itself.
Procedural Steps Involved
1. Add Column Help
When you want to add relevant information to a column and have it displayed in DSP, you can add Column Help text, which is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen:
1.1 Add Column Help at the WebApp level
Help text can be stored in a Catalog.
Please navigate to Admin>Translations>Catalogs and select the catalog that you want to use. In the following example, I have created Test:
You will find the Technical name (Phrase), Display Name (Phrase Out) and also, in the vertical view, the Dynamic Help:
Once this has been manually created or imported using an XML file (from the vertical view of the Catalog page) you have to assign this Catalog to a WebApp.
- On the WebApps page (Admin>WebApp), all custom WebApps display.
- On the WebApp Customization page (Admin>Customization>WebAppCustomization), all WebApps display; Customizations added on this page for DSP WebApps are not overwritten on upgrade.
Once the Catalog has been assigned, and you refresh the browser, you will see the help text (2), along with the technical name (3) and display name (1) once you hover over the column name (Name):
The below image corresponds to the previous configuration:
1.2 Add Column Help at the Page Level
In the previous section we have assigned the catalog to a specific WebApp; however, you may not want to make this translation visible in all pages. For instance, let's say you have the column Name1, and on a certain page you want to have help text specific to that page. You will need to assign it to a Page instead of a WebApp.
You can do this in two ways:
- Page Properties: Vertical view>Advance Properties>CatalogID
- Column Properties: Page>Column Properties>Help
2. Page Help
We have seen the text help for a particular column, but it is also possible to create help text for a Page.
In this case you need to navigate to Admin>WebApp>Column Properties>Page Help:
And then define the text:
Once created, you will be able to find this info in the bottom left side of the selected page when you load it. However, if you hover over another field that has a dynamic subtitle defined, this page level help is no longer displayed.
I hope you find this post interesting and useful.
Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.