0: ssOK
The library has been successfully initialized and ready to accept requests.
1: ssUninitialized
The library has not yet been successfully initialized.
2: ssInvalidDataDirectory
The supplied data directory does not contain a Global Knowledge Repository.
3: ssInvalidUnicodeFileVersion
The installed unicode.lfs file is mismatched with the installed software.
4: ssInvalidCountryFileVersion
The installed country.lfs file is mismatched with the installed software.
5: ssInvalidContextFileVersion
The installed context.lfs file is mismatched with the installed software.
6: ssInvalidFormatFileVersion
The installed format.lfs file is mismatched with the installed software.
7: ssInvalidLexiconFileVersion
The installed lexicon file attempting to be opened is mismatched with the installed software.
8: ssInvalidReferenceFileVersion
The installed lexicon file attempting to be opened is mismatched with the installed software.
9: ssException
An exception was thrown.