This tutorial and sample code are provided as an example only. Please use this as a guideline for your implementation and do not consider this to be production-ready code.
This is a new RESTful web services interface for users to run locally with Loqate Local API.
This interface allows an organization to provide address verification as a web service through their corporate intranet and accessible to their employees.
This is a key interface used, for example, by Loqate customers needing to provide address verification and geocoding while complying with legal restrictions that impede customer data from leaving their premises. This is simply achieved by installing the Loqate Local API and the Loqate Tomcat REST interface.
The Tomcat Manager interface can be used to deploy the downloaded WAR file. The only configuration required is to ensure that the native Loqate libraries are accessible to Tomcat. This can be achieved by adding the following lines to (from
# Set java.library.path
JAVA_OPTS=”$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.library.path=/opt/loqate”
Tomcat REST Functional Reference
API Usage
The following code walks through API usage.
1. Create Loqate Server
GET: /Loqate/server/?… (input object serialized by jquery.param())
POST: /Loqate/server/
{ "path" : "[Path To Data]", "poolSize" : "[Number of lqtServer instances in pool]", //(optional) "lqtServerOptions": { //(optional) option_name_1: option_value_1, option_name_2: option_value_2, ... } }
{ "status": "OK", "ServerId": (String) new_server_id //(optional) }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
Sample Input (with JSON Object)
{ "path" : "/opt/loqate/data/" }
Sample Input (with XML Object)
<lqt> <path> /opt/loqate/data/ </path> </lqt>
Run a Process
GET: /Loqate/server/{server id}/process?…. (input object serialized by jquery.param())
POST: /Loqate/server/{server id}/process
GET: /Loqate/server/process?…. (input object serialized by jquery.param())
POST: /Loqate/server/process
Note: For each field’s data, default values are shown below, and if the data is the default value, it won’t be outputted.
{ "Confidence" : "0", "MatchScore" : "0.0", "Status" : "10", "Value" : "", "Info" : "" }
For example:
"Confidence" : "0", "MatchScore" : "0.0", "Status" : "3", "Info" : "", "Value" : "1111 Bayhill Dr Ste 420" }
will be returned as:
{ "Status" : "3", "Value" : "1111 Bayhill Dr Ste 420" }
{ "lqtServerOptions": { serverOptionName1: serverOptionValue1, serverOptionName1: serverOptionValue2 }, "lqtInputRecord": { fieldName1: fieldValue1, fieldName3: fieldValue3, ... }, "lqtProcessList": [ { "type": processType, "lqtProcessOptions": { processOptionName1: processOptionValue1, processOptionName2: processOptionValue12 }, }, ... ], }
{ "status": "OK", "results": list of results }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
Sample input: (with JSON Object)
{ "lqtInputRecord": { "Country": "USA", "Address1": "1111 bayhill dr", "Locality": "san bruno", "AdministrativeArea": "ca" }, "lqtProcessList": [ { "type": "Verify" }, { "type": "Geocode" } ] }
Sample Input (with XML Object)
<lqt> <lqtInputRecord> <Country>USA</Country> <Address1>1111 bayhill dr san bruno ca</Address1> </lqtInputRecord> <lqtProcessList> <type>Search</type> </lqtProcessList> <lqtProcessList> <type>Geocode</type> </lqtProcessList> </lqt>
Sample output:
{ "results" : [ { "AVC" : { "Value" : "V54-I55-P3-100" }, "Address" : { "Confidence" : "1190", "MatchScore" : "66.666664", "Status" : "3", "Value" : "1111 Bayhill Dr Ste 420 San Bruno CA 94066-3067" }, "Address1" : { "Status" : "3", "Value" : "1111 Bayhill Dr Ste 420" }, "Address2" : { "Status" : "3", "Value" : "San Bruno CA 94066-3067" }, "AdministrativeArea" : { "Confidence" : "215", "MatchScore" : "100.0", "Status" : "1", "Value" : "CA" }, .....many other address fields...., "_L" : { "Status" : "5", "Value" : "Search|Country|Parse|Lexicon:TABLE=lx_US1|RefLex:TABLE=rd_US_vfy;POSTCODECHECK=Yes;POSTCODEFIELD=PostalCode|Signal:MATCHTYPES=Address|Context:TABLE=CT_US_Fast;BREAKONMATCH=Yes|Context:COMPLETEMATCH=Yes;TABLE=CT_USAD_Fast;BREAKONMATCH=Yes|Signal:MATCHTYPES=Address" } } ], "status" : "OK" }
Shut Down Loqate Server
GET/POST: /Loqate/server/{server id}/destroy
OR /Loqate/server/{server id}/shutdown
GET/POST: /Loqate/server/destroy
OR /Loqate/server/shutdown
Not needed.
{ "status": "OK" }
Failed Output
{ "status": "error", "ErrorMessage": (String) Error_message }
Get Server Option
GET: /Loqate/server/{server id}/option/{option name}
GET: /Loqate/server/option/{option name}
Not needed.
{ "status": "OK", "OptionValue": (String) server_option_value }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
/Loqate/server/12345/option/MaxResults {"status":"OK","OptionValue":"1"}
Set Server Option
POST: /Loqate/server/{server id}/option/
POST: /Loqate/server/option/
{ option_name_1: option_value_1, option_name_2: option_value_2, ... }
{ "status": "OK", }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
Get Last Server Error
GET: /Loqate/server/{server id}/lasterror
GET: /Loqate/server/lasterror
{ Not needed. }
{ "status": "OK", "LastError": (String) last_error_message }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
Get Server Status
GET: /Loqate/server/{server id}/status
{ "status": "OK", "ServerStatus": (String) server_status_message }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
GET: /Loqate/server/status
{ "status": "OK", "size": 10, "lqtServerOptions": { "MaxResults" : "10" } }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
Get Loqate Server Version
GET: /Loqate/server/{server id}/version
GET: /Loqate/server/version
{ "status": "OK", "Version": "" }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
Sample Output
Read Registry
GET: /Loqate/server/{server id}/readregistry?tablename=&key=
GET: /Loqate/server/readregistry?tablename=&key=
{ "status": "OK", "content": (String) result_content }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
Log to Server Log
POST: /Loqate/server/{server id}/log
{ "msg": message }
{ "status": "OK", }
Failed Output
{ "status": (String) lqtServer_status, "ErrorMessage": (String) lqtserver_lasterror }
Error Status Codes
HTTP Error 400 Bad request
[Error 400 with valid response] Server id not exist (while calling server).
{ 'status': 'error', 'ErrorMessage': 'loqateWebService.InvalidServerIdException: Server ID not exist.' }
[Default error 400] Other bad request (i.e. invalid request xml format, un-readable input, server id correct, but function not valid, etc).
HTTP Error 500 Internal server error
[Default error 500] Server internal function error.