Server Options
Used to specify the string which will separate the output address lines within the output Address field (default “<BR>”).
Used to specify the fields that should be ignored by the OutputCasing option. System default is “ID,PostalCode,PostalCodePrimary,PostalCodeSecondary,ISO3166-2,ISO3166-3,PostBox,PostBoxNumber,PostBoxType,_L,Latitude,Longitude,GeoAccuracy,GeoDistance,AVC,AQI,HyphenClass,MatchedFieldList,DPS,CountryCode,Outputstatus,FormattedAddress”. Additionally, the following datasets also add AdministrativeArea to the default values: AUS, BRA, CAN, ITA, MEX, CHE, and USA. Currently system defaults cannot be overridden, but country-level values will be ignored when CasingIgnoreFields is used. Please re-use “AdministrativeArea” as a value to retain the default behavior.
Used to specify a comma-delimited list of countries where data should be processed using the relevant certified process. e.g. “USA,CAN,AUS” to give CASS, SERP, and AMAS certified output respectively.
Used to specify the threshold at which to stop returning parse interpretations, as a percentage of the confidence of the top result. Default 90.
Used to specify the name of the file that will attempt to be opened during the call to lqtServer::init. Default loqate.ini.
Used to specify how many sets of context results should be cached in memory. This cache is a cost-based cache based on processing time, meaning that the slowest context analyses have their results cached. Default 0. Values up to around 5,000 are relevant, but the memory usage and performance gain will be dependent on the supplied input data.
Used to specify the number of MRU countries to generate ContextResult caches for. On an unsorted multi-country file a value of around 10 may be relevant, but the memory usage and performance gain will be dependent on the supplied input data.
Used to specify the comma delimited list of fields to be searched for country information.
Used to specify the comma delimited list of custom fields to be searched for during the parse process.
Used to specify the confidence to be applied to the recognition of any fields recognized through the CustomFields option.
Used to specify the directory in which to find the Global Knowledge Repository, if other than the directory of the loqate.ini configuration file specified during the lqtServer::init call.
Used to specify the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code which should be used if no identifiable country can be found in an input record.
Used to specify the duplicate handling level, between 0 and 15. Default is 0. When option is set, duplicate components in the input address are removed if it meets a certain criteria. For more details, please click this link.
Used to specify the default field name weight, between 1 and 255. Default 10. A larger value will give more precedence to the supplied field name, a smaller value will give more precedence to the GKR matches. Individual field name weights can also be declared using the syntax ‘=|=’, etc. For instance ‘Organization=240|AdministrativeArea=100|50′ would mean a field name weight of 240 for the Organization field, 100 for the AdministrativeArea field, and a default of 50 for all remaining fields.
Used to specify the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code which should be used for all input records.
Used to specify a comma-delimited list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes of acceptable countries to geocode. Input records from other countries will not return geocodes. The default is to process data from all countries.
Allow unmatched input data within the address lines to be ignored during a Search process, meaning that a search can proceed matching only partial input data. Default No.
Used to specify a filename for debug output. Must be specified before the lqtServer::init call.
Used to specify the minimum matchscore a record must reach in the Match process to be taken into account as a candidate for matching. Default value is 60 and the maximum value is 100.
This is a value that is used as a factor of the highest matching result. The resulting value is then used as a cut-off for considering candidates for the results. The higher the value of the factor, the higher the chance of getting a good verification result. Default value is 95 and the maximum value is 100.
Used to specify the maximum GeoDistance a geocode can reach and still be returned as a result. Default is -1 (no limit).
Used to specify the maximum number of lqtServer instances to allow to run concurrently. Default is -1 (no limit). If using the single threaded library it is recommended to set this to 1 to ensure that no attempt to open multiple lqtServer instances can occur.
Used to specify the maximum number of results to return in the ProcessResults structure.
Used to specify the minimum GeoAccuracy level a geocode must reach in order to be returned as a result. Default is 0 (zero), valid values are 0-5.
Used to specify the minimum matchscore a record must reach in order to avoid reversion. Default is 0 (zero), valid values are 0-100.
Used to specify the minimum postcode status a record must reach in order to avoid reversion. Default is 0 (zero), valid values are 0-8.
Used to specify the minimum verification level a record must reach in order to avoid reversion. Default is 0 (zero), valid values are 0-5.
Used to specify whether to reverse the order of the input address lines when processing non-Latin data. Usually this is set on a per-country basis automatically, but can be overridden by setting the server option as appropriate. When set to False, any input Address lines are concatenated for parsing in normal order (e.g. Address1 + Address2 + Address3), when set to True any input Address lines are concatenated for parsing in reverse order (e.g. Address3 + Address2 + Address1).
Used to specify whether to output an extra field for the Address block fields with the suffix ‘Format’ showing how the hierarchical field positioning has occurred. Valid options are ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, default ‘No’.
Used to specify the letter case to use for output fields. Valid options are ‘Upper’, ‘Title’, or ‘Lower’. Default ‘Title’.
Used to specify the ISO 15924 Code in which the output should be encoded, if possible. Alternatively ‘Native’ should be specified to choose the correct country specific script value.
Used to specify the order in which the Search output results should be sorted. To sort in alphabetical order use ‘Alphabetical’, or alternatively specify ‘AVC’ to sort from the highest verification level to the lowest verification level. The option can also be set to ‘Similarity’ giving an indication of the percentage of the input characters that have been matched in the output. Default ‘AVC’.
Used to specify how many sets of query results should be cached in memory. This cache is a cost-based cache based on query time, meaning that the slowest queries have their results cached. Default 0. Values up to around 5,000 are relevant, but the memory usage and performance gain will be dependent on the supplied input data.
Used to specify how to expand ranges such as premise numbers and sub building numbers. Valid values are ‘Match’ (returning only the value matching the input query), ‘Range’ (returning a human-readable range, e.g. ‘1-9 Odd’), or ‘Full’ (expanding out the range into its constituent numbers, e.g. ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’).
Used to specify the number of MRU reference datasets to cache. Default value is 5.
Used to specify the number of MRU pages to cache from each individual reference dataset. Default value is 12, each page equates to approximately 5Mb of memory use.
Valid values are Complete (default) or Verified. If set to Verified, the output from a Search process will only include data that has been verified against the available reference data.
Used to specify the comma-delimited list of fields that should not be added to an output result if they do not appear in the input record.
Used to specify the comma-delimited list of fields that should be suppressed from the Address field output.
Used to specify the comma-delimited list of fields that should be suppressed from the output.
Used to specify the comma-delimited list of fields that should be suppressed when determining the Address Verification Code.
Used to specify the fields that should not be transliterated. Default “ID,ISO3166-2,ISO3166-3,_L,Latitude,Longitude,GeoAccuracy,GeoDistance,AVC”.
Specify ‘Yes’ to output extra debug information viewable using the getFieldInfo method.
Specify ‘Yes’ to force the API to search for custom lexicons (lx__c.lfs files)
Specify ‘No’ to limit transliteration to complete field phrase matches. Default Yes.
Used to specify a comma-delimited list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes of acceptable countries to process. Input records from other countries will return the unprocessed Address Verification Code ‘U00-U00-P0-000′. The default is to process data from all countries.
Process Options
Record the process input data to the specified debug log file.
Record the process output data to the specified debug log file.