Request parameters are of one of the following types.
Argument Types
Type | Description |
PathParm | Argument value included in the URL. e.g. engine in /matchITHub/engines/<engine> |
QueryParm | Argument indicated following '?' in the URL of a GET. e.g. data in /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/1?data=<data> |
FormParm | Argument in body of POST with Content-Type: multipart/form-data. |
JsonParm | Argument in body of POST with Content-Type: application/json. |
The following format of response is returned by all requests except "POST results".
Success Response
Name | Value | Description |
status | “OK” | Indicates success |
Error Response
Name | Value | Description |
status | “FAIL” | Indicates an error occurred |
errorMsgs | <error messages> | List of error message in an array |
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub
Before you can start adding data to the Syniti Match API Service you must create an instance of a Hub Engine.
REST resource | Summary |
GET engines | get a list of instantiated engines |
POST engines | create engine/session and initialize. Form data: activation_code=<code> |
DELETE engines/<engine id> | delete engine/session |
GET /matchITHub/engines
Name | Value | Description |
ids | <engine>,<engine>,... | Comma separated list of the ids of all current engine instances |
Returns a list of active engine numbers.
Usage Examples
Using a browser:
Using cURL:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines {"status":"OK","ids":""}
POST /matchITHub/engines
Type | Name | Description |
FormParam | activation_code | The hub activation code |
FormParam | name | A name to give the engine instance |
Name | Value | Description |
Engine | <engine> | The id of a newly created engine instance |
Initialises an instance of the engine and applies the activation_code.
The activation_code can be omitted, in which case a valid activation code must be PUT to the Initialization resource before the engine instance can be used.
If you supply a name for an instance, you can use this as <engine> in the url instead of the instance number.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data "activation_code=<activation_code>" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines {"status":"OK","engine":1}
curl -X POST --data-urlencode "activation_code@activation.txt" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines {"status":"OK","engine":1}
DELETE /matchITHub/engines/<engine>
engineType | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id number (or name) of the engine instance to delete |
Deletes the specified engine instance.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1 {"status":"OK"}
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary |
POST log | Set the filename and severity level for logging Form data: filename=<filename>, severity=<severity> |
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/log filename=<filename>, severity=<severity>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
FormParam | filename | Name a file to write log messages to |
FormParam | severity | The severity level of messages to log |
Configures logging which is disabled by default.
Severity is one of :
- None
- Error
- Warning
- Information
- Debug
Setting severity to "Error" will log only error messages, setting severity to "Warning" will log error and warning messages, and so on. I.e. each setting is more verbose than the previous with "Debug" being the most verbose.
If filename is not specified (or is not accessible) messages are logged to the console (not visible when run as a Windows service).
Note: logging settings are per engine instance, but you can set all instances to log messages to the same file.
Log messages are of the form:
<engine id>,<HH:mm:ss>,<severity>,<source>,<message>
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data "severity=Debug" --data "filename=debuglog.txt" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/log {"status":"OK"}
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary |
PUT initialization?activation_code=<code> | Apply an activation code to an uninitialized engine instance |
PUT /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/initialization?activation_code=<activation_code>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
QueryParam | activation_code | The hub activation code |
Initialises an instance of the engine and applies the activation_code.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/initialization?activation_code=<activation_code> {"status":"OK"}
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary |
GET state | Gets the state of the engine |
PUT ?state="pause" | Pause a running engine |
PUT ?state="resume" | Resume a paused engine |
PUT ?state="abort" | Abort |
PUT ?state="reset" | Reset |
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/state
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
Name | Value |
State | “uninitialized”, “initialized”, “ready”, “running”, “paused”, “finished”, “aborted” |
Gets the state of the engine.
Usage Examples
Using a browser
Using cURL:
curl http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/state {"status":"OK","state":"Initialized:\nthe engine has been initialized but no settings applied"}
PUT /matchITHub/engines/<engine>?state=<state>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
QueryParam | state | The state to change the engine to: “pause”, “resume”, “abort”, “reset” |
Changes the state of the engine. Equivalent to the hub methods: pause, resume, abort, reset.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1?state=pause
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary |
POST settings | Apply settings supplied in an xml string. Form data: xml=<xml> |
POST settings | Apply settings supplied in a stream. Form data: file=<file> |
GET settings | Retrieve the engine’s current settings |
GET settings/advanced | Retrieve the engine’s current advanced settings |
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/settings xml=<xml>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
FormParam | xml | Xml settings string |
Applies the given settings.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data-urlencode "xml=<settings>...</settings>" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/settings {"status":"OK"}
curl -X POST --data-urlencode "xml@settings.xml" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/settings {"status":"OK"}
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/settings file=<file>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
FormDataParam | file | Xml settings file |
Uploads a file of settings to apply.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data-urlencode "file=settings.xml" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/settings {"status":"OK"}
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/settings
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
Name | Value | Description |
configXML | <xml string> | Xml settings string |
Retrieves and returns the engine's current settings as an XML-formatted string.
Usage Examples
Using a browser:
Using cURL:
curl http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/settings {"status":"OK","configXML":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n<settings>\n...</settings>"}
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/settings/advanced
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
Name | Value | Description |
configXML | <xml string> | Xml settings string |
Retrieves and returns the engine's current advanced settings as an XML-formatted string.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/settings/advanced {"status":"OK","configXML":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n<settings>\n...</settings>"}
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary |
POST tables/<0,1,2> | Add a single data record to a table. Form data: data=<data> timeout=<timeout> |
POST tables/<0,1,2> | Add a block of data to a table. <data_block> |
POST tables/<0,1,2>/files | Specify a filename for the service to load input data from. Form data:filename=<filename> delimiter=<delim> nomore="true"/"false" encoding=<encoding> timeout=<timeout> |
POST tables/<0,1,2>/update | Update a data record, the unique ref of the record to update is extracted from data Form data:data=<data> timeout=<timeout> |
POST tables/<0,1,2>/update | Upload a block of transactions to a table <data_block> |
POST tables/<0,1,2>/update/files | Specify a filename for the service to load transactions from Form data: filename=<filename> delimiter=<delim> nomore="true"/"false" encoding=<encoding> timeout=<timeout> |
PUT tables/<0,1,2>/eof | Inform the engine that no more data will be added |
DELETE tables/<0,1,2>/eof | Inform the engine to allow more data to be added |
GET unprocessed | Returns the number of unprocessed records |
GET tables/<0,1,2>/<unique_ref> | Get a record from a table by it’s uniqueId |
DELETE tables/<0,1,2>/<unique_ref> | Delete a record from a table by it’s uniqueId |
DELETE tables/<0,1,2> | Clear the data in a table |
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table> data=<data>, timeout=<timeout>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
FormParam | data | A data record to add |
FormParam | timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
Adds data to the engine's input buffer.
If it fails to lock the engine for timeout milliseconds it will wait 2 seconds before trying again. Timeout should be non-zero to avoid deadlocking the engine.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data-urlencode "data=,57,MR,MATTHEW,KASPAR,AVIATION SERVICES INC,14824 BOWE ROAD,BARNWELD,NEW YORK,13304" --data-urlencode "timeout=1000" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/tables/1 {"status":"OK"}
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table> <data_block>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
text/plain | n/a | Block of data records |
Uploads a block of data records to add to the engine's input buffer.
The content of this POST is a plain text block of records. Records should be separated by a new line characters and each record must start with the delimiter character used for that record.
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table>/files filename=<filename>, delimiter=<delim>, nomore="true/false", encoding=<encoding>, timeout=<timeout>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
FormParam | filename | Name of input file to load data from |
FormParam | delimiter | The field delimiter used in the file |
FormParam | nomore | "true" if no more data will be added to this table |
FormParam | encoding | The encoding used in the file: "UTF-8" (default), "ISO-8859-1", "US-ASCII", "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE" |
FormParam | timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
Specify a filename for the service to load input data from.. Filenames are added to a list and processed in the order added. If no delimiter is specified, each record must start with the delimiter character used for that record. If no encoding is specified, UTF-8 is used. The file must be accessible from the service. If adding data from a different machine, post the data in blocks or use the Proxy Engine.
If it fails to lock the engine for timeout milliseconds it will wait 2 seconds before trying again. Timeout should be non-zero to avoid deadlocking the engine.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data-urlencode "filename=D:\testdata\inputfile.txt" --data-urlencode "delimiter=\t" --data-urlencode "encoding=UTF-8" --data "nomore=true" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/tables/1/files {"status":"OK"}
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table>/update data=<data>, timeout=<timeout>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
FormParam | data | A data record to update |
FormParam | timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
Update a record with the new data. The unique ID of the record to update is extracted from the data.
If it fails to lock the engine for timeout milliseconds it will wait 2 seconds before trying again. Timeout should be non-zero to avoid deadlocking the engine.
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table>/update <block_data>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0 or 1) |
text/plain | n/a | Block of transaction records |
Uploads a block of transaction records to add to the engine's input buffer.
The content of this POST is a plain text block of records. Records should be separated by a new line characters and each record must start with the delimiter character used for that record.
The first field in a transaction is the transaction type. Transaction types are:
- A(dd)
- U(pdate)
- D(elete)
The rest of the fields depend on the transaction type. I.e.:
- |A|record
- |U|record
- |D|unique_ref
or - |D|record
Where <record> is the record (matching the table layout) to add or update and <unique_ref> identifies the record to delete. A delete transaction can either contain just the unique_ref of the record to delete or can contain a record matching the table layout that contains the unique_ref - all other fields are ignored and can be empty.
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table>/update/files filename=<filename>, delimiter=<delim>, nomore="true/false", encoding=<encoding>, timeout=<timeout>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
FormParam | filename | Name of input file to load data from |
FormParam | delimiter | The field delimiter used in the file |
FormParam | nomore | "true" if no more data will be added to this table |
FormParam | encoding | The encoding used in the file: "UTF-8" (default), "ISO-8859-1", "US-ASCII", "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE" |
FormParam | timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
Specify a filename for the service to load update transaction data from. Filenames are added to the same list used for input data and processed in the order added. If no delimiter is specified, each record must start with the delimiter character used for that record. If no encoding is specified, UTF-8 is used.
If it fails to lock the engine for timeout milliseconds it will wait 2 seconds before trying again. Timeout should be non-zero to avoid deadlocking the engine.
PUT /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table>/eof
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
Informs the engine that no more data will be added for the indicated table.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/tables/1/eof {"status":"OK"}
DELETE /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table>/eof
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
Informs the engine to allow more data to be added for the indicated table.
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/unprocessed
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
Name | Value | Description |
unprocessedCount | <count> | Count of unprocessed records |
Returns the number of records that have not yet been processed.
Usage Examples
Using a browser:
Using cURL:
curl http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/unprocessed {"status":"OK","unprocessedCount":0}
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table>/<unique_ref>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
PathParam | engine | The unique ID of the record to fetch |
Name | Value | Description |
result | <data record> | The record requested |
Get a record with the specified unique ID.
Usage Examples
Using a browser:
Using cURL:
curl http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/tables/1/17 {"status":"OK","result":"\t17\tROBERT HANSEN\tSTATEWEST AIRLINES INC\t4909 EAST MCDOWELL ROAD\tFT COLLINS\tCOLORADO\t80524"}
DELETE /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table>/<unique_ref>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
PathParam | engine | The unique ID of the record to delete |
Delete a record with the specified unique ID.
Using cURL:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/tables/1/17 {"status":"OK"}
DELETE /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/<table>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
PathParam | table | The number of the table to modify (0, 1, or 2) |
HeaderParam | async | Introduced in v2.0.4.27. Delete table asynchronously (true, false). Defaults to false |
Removes and discards all data relating to the indicated table. This includes: buffered input data, cached records, clusters, matching pairs, matching groups.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X DELETE -H "async: true" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/tables/2 {"status":"OK"}
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary |
GET results/count | Returns the number of buffered results |
POST results/next | Returns the next buffered result Form data: timeout=<timeout> |
POST results | Download a block of results as plain text Form data: timeout=<timeout> |
POST results/outputfile | Specify a filename for the service to write results to Form data:filename=<filename> encoding=<encoding> timeout=<timeout> |
DELETE results | Clear the results |
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/results/count
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
Name | Value | Description |
resultCount | <count> | Count of results |
Returns the number of buffered results in the output buffer.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/results/count {"status":"OK","resultCount":0}
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/results/next timeout=<timeout>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
FormParam | timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
Name | Value | Description |
result | <record> | Result record |
Gets and returns the next buffered result and removes it from the output buffer.
If it fails to lock the engine for timeout milliseconds it will wait 2 seconds before trying again. Timeout should be non-zero to avoid deadlocking the engine.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data "timeout=1000" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/results/next {"status":"OK","result":"\tMG\tlevel\tgroup\tbase_score\ttable\trecord"}
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/results timeout=<timeout>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
FormParam | timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
FormParam | limit | The maximum number of records to return in one go |
Unlike other methods, this method does not return a application/json format response. Instead the response is a text/plain stream of records delimited by newline
Gets and returns all the results as a plain text stream.
If it fails to lock the engine for timeout milliseconds it will wait 2 seconds before trying again. Timeout should be non-zero to avoid deadlocking the engine.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data "timeout=1000" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/results MG I 56 105 0 57 MG I 26 118 0 26 MG I 26 118 0 35 MG I 4 119 0 4 MG I 4 119 0 71 MG I 10 98 0 10 MG I 10 98 0 65 MG I 10 98 0 64 MG I 80 130 0 80 MG I 80 130 0 81 MG I 38 103 0 38 MG I 38 103 0 63 MG I 113 139 0 113 MG I 113 139 0 74 MG I 15 113 0 15 MG I 15 113 0 123
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/results/outputfile filename=<filename>, encoding=<encoding>, timeout=<timeout>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
FormDataParam | filename | Name of output file to write results to |
FormParam | encoding | The encoding to use in the file: "UTF-8" (default), "ISO-8859-1", "US-ASCII", "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE" |
FormParam | timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
Sets the output filename for the Syniti Match API Service to write results to. If no encoding is specified, UTF-8 is used.
If it fails to lock the engine for timeout milliseconds it will wait 2 seconds before trying again. Timeout should be non-zero to avoid deadlocking the engine.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data "filename=D:\testing\outputfile.txt" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/results/outputfile {"status":"OK"}
DELETE /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/results
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
The output buffer is cleared; any buffered results are lost.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/results {"status":"OK"}
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary | |
POST lookup | Look up a record. Form data: data=<data> recordLimit=<recordLimit> timeLimit=<timeLimit> timeout=<timeout> |
GET tables/1/?data=<data> | Same as lookup | |
POST lookup |
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/lookup data=<data>, recordLimit=<recordLimit>, timeLimit=<timeLimit>, timeout=<timeout>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
FormParam | data | A data record to lookup |
FormParam | ruleSet | see Configuration Guide - Matching Rule Sets |
FormParam | recordLimit | Maximum number of results to return (default 0 - no limit) |
FormParam | minimumScore | Minimum score of results to return (default 0) |
FormParam | timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
Name | Value | Description |
count | <count> | Count of results |
result | <result records> | Array of result records |
Equivalent to adding data to table 2 and repeatedly calling RESULTS/NEXT.
The timeLimit parameter specifies how long the service should wait for Hub to finish processing the query before fetching the results.
If it fails to lock the engine for timeout milliseconds you may get some empty strings in the results.
The count in the response is the number of matches that Syniti Match API found. If I record limit was specified the result array may contain fewer records.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST --data-urlencode "data=,,JOHN,TATTLE,,,BIRMINGHAM,,B3 3ER" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/lookup {"status":"OK","results":["\t4\tJOHN TATTLE\tINFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER\tFRINTON WILKES PLC\t12 NEWHALL STREET\tBIRMINGHAM\tWEST MIDLANDS\tB3 3ER\t\t5\t117\t0\t57\t57\t0\t0","\t13\tMR V MACNICHOLS\t\tWETHERALL CONSULTING\t31 DALE END\tBIRMINGHAM\tWEST MIDLANDS\t\tB4 7LH\t4\t27\t0\t27\t27\t0\t4","\t28\tMR G HOOD\t\tFRINTON WILKES PLC\t12 NEWHALL STREET\tBIRMINGHAM\tWEST MIDLANDS\tB3 3ER\t\t4\t57\t0\t57\t57\t0\t4","\t71\tMR J RATTLE\tIT MANAGER\tFRINTON WILKES LTD\tEDMUND HOUSE\t12 NEWHALL STREET\tBIRMINGHAM\tB3 3ER\t\t1\t97\t0\t57\t57\t0\t4"],"count":4}
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/tables/1?data=<data>, recordLimit=<recordLimit>, minimumScore=<minimumScore>
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
QueryParam | data | A data record to lookup |
QueryParam | ruleSet | see Configuration Guide - Matching Rule Sets |
QueryParam | recordLimit | Maximum number of results to return (default 0 - no limit) |
QueryParam | minimumScore | Minimum score of results to return (default 0) |
QueryParam | timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
Name | Value | Description |
count | <count> | Count of results |
result | <result records> | Array of result records |
Same as POST lookup. Equivalent to adding data to table 2 and repeatedly calling RESULTS/NEXT.
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/lookup data=<json query>
From version 2.0.4.
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to modify |
JsonParam | data | A json query |
Name | Value | Description |
count | <count> | Count of results |
result | <result records> | Array of result records |
Alternative version of POST lookup that takes json as input rather than form data. In the post header specify Content-Type: application/json rather than Content-Type: multipart/form-data
The json query can contain any of the column types specified in Configuration Guide - Appendix A - Column Types and the following:
Name | Description |
recordLimit | Maximum number of results to return (default 0 - no limit) |
minimumScore | Minimum score of results to return (default 0) |
timeout | Timeout in milliseconds (default 1000) |
ruleSet | see Configuration Guide - Matching Rule Sets |
Prior to version the "Array of result records" output was an array of delimited strings. Since verison the "Array of result records" output is an array of json objects, see example below.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
Prior to version
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"forenames\":\"JOHN\",\"surname\":\"TATTLE\",\"city\":\"BIRMINGHAM\",\"postcode\":\"B3 3ER\"}" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/lookup/lookup {"status":"OK","results":["\t4\tJOHN TATTLE\tINFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER\tFRINTON WILKES PLC\t12 NEWHALL STREET\tBIRMINGHAM\tWEST MIDLANDS\tB3 3ER\t\t5\t95\t0\t35\t35\t0\t0","\t73\tJ R MAGSON\tPROD MGR\tFRINTON WILKES LTD\tEDMUND HOUSE\t12/22 NEWHALL STREET\tBIRMINGHAM\tW MIDLANDS\tB3 3ER\t4\t35\t0\t35\t35\t0\t5","\t72\tMR F W BOWER\tMANAGING DIRECTOR\tFRINTON WILKES GROUP\tEDMUND HOUSE\t12/22 NEWHALL STREET\tBIRMINGHAM\tWEST MIDLANDS B3 3ER\t\t4\t35\t0\t35\t35\t0\t5","\t28\tMR G HOOD\t\tFRINTON WILKES PLC\t12 NEWHALL STREET\tBIRMINGHAM\tWEST MIDLANDS\tB3 3ER\t\t4\t35\t0\t35\t35\t0\t5","\t71\tMR J RATTLE\tIT MANAGER\tFRINTON WILKES LTD\tEDMUND HOUSE\t12 NEWHALL STREET\tBIRMINGHAM\tB3 3ER\t\t5\t75\t0\t35\t35\t0\t5"],"count":5}
Since version
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"surname\": \"CHILVERS\"}" http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/lookup/lookup { "status":"OK", "results":[ { "uniqueref":"1", "fullname":"MR G K CHILVERS", "jobtitle":"LASER MANAGER", "organization":"STANTON COPSHAW DIRECT", "address1":"10 EAGLES WOOD BUSINESS PARK", "address2":"ALMONDSBURY", "address3":"", "address4":"BRISTOL", "postcode":"BS12 4EU", "levels":"13", "individualScores":{ "totalScore":"55", "nameScore":"40", "organizationScore":"0", "addressScore":"5", "postcodeScore":"10" }, "familyScores":{ "totalScore":"0", "nameScore":"", "organizationScore":"", "addressScore":"", "postcodeScore":"" }, "addressScores":{ "totalScore":"15", "nameScore":"0", "organizationScore":"0", "addressScore":"5", "postcodeScore":"10" }, "businessScores":{ "totalScore":"30", "nameScore":"0", "organizationScore":"15", "addressScore":"5", "postcodeScore":"10" }, "customScores":{ "totalScore":"0", "nameScore":"", "organizationScore":"", "addressScore":"", "postcodeScore":"" }, "key":"1" } ], "count":1 }
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary |
GET stats | Return summary statistics |
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/stats
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
Name | Value | Description |
stats | <xml string> | Xml stats string |
Produces and returns an XML-formatted string that lists useful statistical details for the current processing mode.
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary |
GET version | Return the version number |
GET expiry | Return expiry date |
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/version
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
Name | Value | Description |
version | <version number> | Hub version number |
Returns a string representing the version number of the Syniti Match API engine.
The version consists of four delimited numbers (product.major.minor.patch) plus an optional pre-release indicator, for example "" or " (beta 2)".
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/expiry
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
Name | Value | Description |
expiry | <expiry date> | Hub activation code expiry date |
Returns an 8-character string of format YYYYMMDD that indicates the expiry date of the applied activation code, for example "20170531".
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/name
engineType | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id number of the engine instance to query |
Name | Value | Description |
Name | <engine name> | The name (if any) associated with the engine instance |
Returns the name (if any) associated with the engine instance.
GET /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/id
engineType | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The name of the engine instance to query |
Name | Value | Description |
Name | <engine name> | The id number of the engine instance |
Returns the id number of the engine instance.
Resources relative to http://host:8080/matchITHub/engines/<engine>
REST resource | Summary |
POST errors | Retrieve all error messages as an array |
POST /matchITHub/engines/<engine>/errors
Type | Name | Description |
PathParam | engine | The id of the engine to query |
Name | Value | Description |
errorMsgs | <error messages> | List of error message in an array |
Retrieve all error messages as an array. Most methods return the errors immediately, but if you post an input filename or an updates filename an error may occur while the data is being loaded. If that happens the engine state will change to aborted and you can use this method to find out what went wrong.
Usage Example
Using cURL:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/matchITHub/engines/1/errors {"status":"OK","errorMsgs":[]}