Record Properties
Key Fields
If using matchIT SQL, these will be prefixed with an 'mk'
Description: Phonetic name key of last name plus first initial
Example: For “Bill Dayton”, “William Deighton Jr” and “Bill Dayten” by default the matchIT API generates “dytymW”
Description: Phonetic business name key of first significant word in the company name.
Example: For “The A.B.C. Co.”, “ABC Ltd” and “A B C Company Ltd” by default the matchIT API generates “ABC”. “The” is ignored in the first example, and “ABC” is treated as the first word whether or not it has spaces, periods or nothing separating the letters ABC.
For “Sanford Services Inc”, the matchIT API generates “symfy” ifSettings.Generate.Organization.UseEquivalentName is False or “symfysyvys” if it is True
Description Phonetic town/city (first 4 characters) and phonetic street name (first 4 characters).
Example For “North Street, Leatherhead” and “North St, LEATHERHEAD”, by default the matchIT API generates “lyTynyT”
Description Phoneticization of the thoroughfare found in the address lines. Combines with the PhoneticTown to form the AddressKey (last five characters)
Example For “North Street, Leatherhead” and “North St, LEATHERHEAD”, by default the matchIT API generates “nyT”
Description: Phoneticization of the town/city found in the address lines. Combines with the PhoneticStreet to form the AddressKey (first five characters)
Example: For “North Street, Leatherhead” and “North St, LEATHERHEAD”, by default the matchIT API generates “lyTy”
Description: Phonetic last name
Example: For “Bill Dayton”, “William Deighton Jr” and “Bill Dayten” the matchIT API generates “dytym”
Description: Phonetic forename
Example: For “Bill Dayton”, “William Deighton Jr” and “Will Dayten” by default the matchIT API generates “wyl”
Description Phonetic middle name if present
Example For “John Mark Smith”, the matchIT API generates “myk”.
For “Mr J M Smith”, the matchIT API generates “m”.
Description Phonetic version of first word in business name
Example For “The A.B.C. Co.”, “ABC Ltd” and “A B C Company Ltd” by default the matchIT API generates “ABC”, as described above.
Description Phonetic version of second word in business name if present
Example For “The A.B.C. Co.”, “ABC Ltd” and “A B C Company Ltd” the matchIT API does not generate a value ifSettings.Generate.Organization.UseEquivalentName is False as the second significant word in each of these examples is a business word and is therefore ignored. If you setSettings.Generate.Organization.UseEquivalentName to True, it is recommended that you change the type of words like Co, Ltd and Inc in the NAMES.DAT file from type “B” for Business to type “N” for Noise.
“The” is ignored by default in the first example as a Noise word, and “ABC” is treated as the first word.
Description Phonetic version of third word in business name if present
Example Similar to the Name2 property above. If there are more than three significant elements to the company name, those after the third significant element are ignored.
Matching Fields
Description Indicates the presence of a recognized first name (from the NAMES.DAT file) in the Addressee or FirstNames fields.
Example For “John Smith,” or “Mr Chris Smith” or “Miss Chris Smith” by default the matchIT API generates “Y”.
It leaves this property blank for “Mr Smith”.
For “Chris Smith” the matchIT API generates “E” meaning “Either Gender”.
For “Mr Christine Smith” the matchIT API generates “X” meaning that the prefix and first name are inconsistent.
Description Normalized version of full name if present
Example For “Bill Dayton”, “William Dayton Jr” and “Will Dayton” by default the matchIT API generates “DAYTON,WILL,”, whereas for “William Deighton” it generates “DEIGHTON,WILL,”.
Description Normalized version of full business name if present
Example For “Sanford Services Inc”, the matchIT API generates “SANFORD,,” if Settings.Generate.Organization.UseEquivalentName is False or “SANFORD,SERVICES” if it is True
Description Gender if individual name supplied
Example For “John Smith,” or “Mr Chris Smith” by default the matchIT API generates “Male”.
For “Christine Smith” or “Miss Chris Smith” by default the matchIT API generates “Female”.
For “Dr Chris Smith”, “Chris Smith” or “Mr Christine Smith” the matchIT API generates “UnknownGender” by default.
Possible results Include:
Male - M
Female - F
Either - E
Inconsistent - X
Unknown - U
Description Inward part of UK postcode, if full valid UK postcode supplied. Plus 4 part of US Zip, if supplied.
Example For a UK Postcode “KT22 8DY”, the matchIT API populates this with “8DY”.
For a US zip in the Postcode field of “10536-1423”, the matchIT API populates this with “1423”.
Description Outward part of UK postcode if full or partial valid UK postcode supplied. First 5 digits of US Zip, if supplied.
Example For a UK Postcode “KT22 8DY”, the matchIT API populates this with “KT22”.
For a US zip in the Postcode field of “10536-1423” or “10536”, the matchIT API populates this with “10536”.
Description Area code from telephone number if supplied
Example For “01372 225 904” or “01372225904” the matchIT API populates this with “01372”.
Description Local part of telephone number if supplied. Obtained by removing the area code
Example For “01372 225 904” or “01372225904” the matchIT API populates this with “225904”.
Description Area code from fax number if supplied
Example As for MatchingFields.TelAreaCode
Description Local part of fax number if supplied. Obtained by removing the area code
Example As for MatchingFields.TelLocalNumber
Description Each position specifies a different property for that record
Example If for example, a record was excluded, this would contain an “X” in position 1. See the next table for a full breakdown