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What Datatools Allows You To Do
Using datatools allows you to set up packages on the client machines and send them to the server where the package is processed.
While the server needs a full license of SQL Server, the client machines do not. However you may require a CAL license for your users:
The client machines will need to download and install SQL Server Data Tools:
Both the client and the server will need to have matchIT SQL installed in order for this functionality to work. You will also need to ensure that you have deployed the stored procedures on the server and that matchIT SQL is installed in the same location on both client and server. The default program location is 'C:\Program Files\matchIT SQL' and the default data folder is 'C:\matchIT SQL'.
On the client machines you will need to edit the template xml you plan to use in SSIS. These templates can be found in:
C:\matchIT SQL\SSIS\templates
You will need to add the following to the relevant xml template under <generalSettings>:
<dataTools sharedPath="" suppressionOnly="false"/>
Where sharedPath is a shared folder that both the server and client can access.
The following access permissions for the shared folder need to be configured;
- Any user account being used to access the client machine need Read and Write access
- The matchIT SQL Service requires Read access
- Depending on your security configuration you may also need to setup share permissions on the shared folder (which are distinct from folder permission) for all user accounts (client machine access) and the matchIT SQL Service
The matchIT SQL Service will also need to be given Read access to the matchIT SQL directory
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