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If you have configured your SSIS addressing task to utilise multiple regions, e.g. you have enabled both the UK and International addressing engines, then matchIT SQL will automatically direct addresses to the appropriate API based on the content of the data. Note that you need to be licenced for both adddressing APIs to utilise this feature.
If your data contains a mapped country field then the API chooser will check that field (ignoring spaces) for
and if a match is found then the record will be sent to the UK addressing API.
Secondly, if you have a postcode field mapped which contains postcodes in a UK format then the record will be sent to the UK addressing API.
Additionally should any address lines contain data that looks like a UK postcode then the record will be sent to the UK addressing API.
Any records not meeting the above criteria will go to the International Addressing engine.
Note that if you are a UK customer implementing a solution for US addressing, then the API chooser will direct records to the US addressing API based on the country field (ignoring spaces) containing:
or based on the postcode or state/region fields.
Advanced Settings
If you have multiple addressing APIs then you will see additional options for each addressing API as demonstrated in the screenshot below
Each API has an 'Enabled' option which allows you to control which APIs are used in your addressing verification process.
The international addressing API gives you further granular control by allowing you to specify if it should process UK or US addressing. By default, both are set to no because you are unlikely to want to send either UK or US addresses to the international addressing engine if you have addressing APIs for those countries.
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