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4.11.1 msp_FindSuppressions
Please note, unlike our other stored procedure tasks, the FindSuppressions stored procedure requires a full SQL version and visual studio installed. This is because the FindSuppressions stored procedure calls an underlying SSIS package.
Example command:
exec msp_FindSuppressions @config='C:\matchIT SQL\config\Config.xml', @datasource='1' , @suppressionConfig='C:\matchIT SQL\SSIS\Config.xml'
The msp_FindSuppressions stored procedure requires 3 parameters.
@config, this is the location of the config that contains the mapped up table you want to suppression. Similar to our generate keys stored procedure.
@datasource, this is the datasource of the table from the config that you want to suppression against.
@suppressionConfig, this is the location of the config that contains the suppression settings. Below we explain what each setting in the suppression config does.
Suppression Config
Example config below:
- SuppressionDataConnectionString
This is the connection string of where the suppression data is.
- JobName
This is the name of the job.
- CompanyName
This is the name of the company.
- AcceptCosts
This is whether you want to accept the costs for this job.
- RecalcOnly
This if you want to rerun a job with a subset of the previously selected suppression files.
- SuppressionFIles
Here you list the suppression files you want to suppress against
- IncludeNewAddresses
If you want the reConnect new addresses, then set this option to true. Please note this is a hosted service and requires a hosted service ID, please contact us for one.
- Matching Level
Select what matching level you want, individual or family.
- PermOrTemp
Select what type of suppression you want.
- MatchingType
Select what type of matching you want, fuzzy or exact. Exact is faster but you may miss potential suppressions.
- HostedServiceID
If you want the new addresses from reConnect then this has to be populated. Please contact us for a Hosted Service ID
- AutoJob
If you want your Job Name to be automatically generated from your Company then set this to true.
- PowerBIJobName
If you want the suppression results shown in Power BI then populate this with your Power BI job name
- Output Settings
This contains the names of the tables that the stored procedure will generate
- suppressionResultsTable
This is the name of the table that contains your suppression hits, the records that were hit against a suppression file
- suppressionNewAddressesTable
This is the name of the table that contains the new addresses, if available, from the suppression files.
- suppresionPairsTable
This is the name of the table that contains the matching pairs from the suppression. This is a side by side view where you see what records hit what records from the suppression files.
- suppressionCleanedTable
This is the name of the table that contains the cleaned table. These are the records that were not on any of the suppression files. This is the table that you would then go onto do further processing with, for example mailsort.
- You will need to give the Local Service account, db_owner for the matchIT_SQL_Suppression database (the database where all the suppression data is).
- You will need to give the Local Service account, db_owner or db_datareader and db_datawriter and db_ddladmin for the matchIT_SQL_Suppression database (the database where all the suppression data is).
For information on running suppressions using SSIS, please click here
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