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An application that uses matchIT Hub requires various precompiled binary files depending on which API has been used. The following details these requirements.
In addition, the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 runtime must be installed. Redistributable installers can be found in C:\Program Files\matchIT Hub\redist. Only the installer that corresponds to the architecture of the application (32- or 64-bit) must be installed.
C and C++
matchITHub.dll - All matchIT Hub functionality.
matchITHub.dll - All matchIT Hub functionality.
matchITHub_net4.dll - The .NET interface to matchIT Hub.
matchITHub.dll - All matchIT Hub functionality.
matchITHub.jar - The Java interface to matchIT Hub.
Other languages (using SWIG)
matchITHub.dll - All matchIT Hub functionality.
Plus any wrapper built from the generated SWIG files (please refer to the SWIG documentation for details).
matchIT Hub has been compiled using GCC 9.2. A precompiled version of the required is bundled with the package. However, it is highly recommended that GCC 9.2 or greater is compiled and used on your system.
C and C++ - All matchIT Hub functionality.
Java - All matchIT Hub functionality.
matchITHub.jar - The Java interface to matchIT Hub.
Other languages (using SWIG) - All matchIT Hub functionality.
Plus any wrapper built from the generated SWIG files (please refer to the SWIG documentation for details).
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