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3.2.1 General Settings
The <generalSettings> section of the configuration contains nodes that define settings for various methods of matchIT SQL. Explanations for each are listed below –
Node |
Description |
progressInterval |
Sets the length of time (in milliseconds) between progress reports sent to the sql pipe for various methods in the product. Increasing the progress interval will marginally improve performance at the cost of losing information sent to the user. |
tempFileDirectory |
Sets the directory that files such as the bulk generation file and log files are created in. Please ensure that users and the Local Service account (or whichever account is set to run the matchIT SQL Service if you have changed from the default of Local Service acccount) have Read/Write permissions to the tempFileDirectory that you specifiy. |
maxClusterSize |
Sets the maximum size that a cluster can be before being reported as a large cluster. Clusters are the groupings of records created by the initial matching done on the match keys. |
minimumIndividualScore |
Sets the minimum score for a match to pass at individual level. |
minimumFamilyScore |
Sets the minimum score for a match to pass at family level. |
minimumHouseholdScore |
Sets the minimum score for a match to pass at household level. |
minimumBusinessScore |
Sets the minimum score for a match to pass at business level. |
minimumCustomScore |
Sets the minimum score for a match to pass at custom level. |
comms/port |
Sets the port to be used when a stored procedure connects to the matchIT SQL Service. |
3.2.2 Output Settings
The <outputSettings> node contains custom definitions of two standard tables that are produced by matchIT SQL (namely the matches and matches_grouped) that can be created from the standard tables by running the relevant procedure (In the case of producing a custom matches table, you would run msp_CreateCustomMatchesTable, and for the matches_grouped table you would run msp_CreatedCustomGroupedMatchesTable). For both the <matchesOutputTable> and <groupedMatchesOutputTable> nodes, you must define a custom table title with the ‘customTitle’ attribute, and then for each column subnode in either definition it is possible to define a custom column name. If you want to leave one of the columns from the standard tables out of your custom definition, simply leave the ‘customName’ attribute blank.
The <outputSettings> node also contains tableSuffixes which allows you to specify suffixes for tables which are automatically generated, such as the keys table and the output table, but we recommend leaving these set to the defaults unless you need to run parallel processes against the same source table, then they may need to be different.
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