Syniti engineers are available to connect your SKP tenant with your Stewardship Tier databases, enabling you to create and share your own dashboards. There are 3 processes listed below and all of them must be completed before you can start working on your first custom dashboard in the SKP.
If you are enabling custom dashboarding for the first time
then you can submit this type of request, which requires the information detailed in each of these sections.
If you are adding (or removing) Dashboard Author(s)
then you should submit this type of request and review the Add Dashboard Author(s) section.
If you are adding an additional Data Source
then you should submit this type of request here and review the Add a Data Source section.
If you are adding an additional VPN
then you should submit this type of request here and review the Add a VPN section.
Add a VPN
The VPN connection will enable your SKP tenant to communicate with your Stewardship Tier system.
The ticket should contain all of the following information. Send any questions to Syniti Tenant Provisioning.
Tenant ID - get your {tenant id} by logging in and clicking your tenant name in the user menu in the top-right
(optional) VPN Name
- This is only needed if you plan to connect multiple networks. Oftentimes, multiple Stewardship Tier systems are on the same network, so they can all be connected to the SKP over a single VPN.
If your Stewardship Tier system(s) is running on your own servers (as opposed to Syniti cloud servers), then you'll need to include this in your ticket:
(optional) VPN Gateway Details
- Leave this blank unless you can list gateway details such as the vendor, platform, and/or software version. We may be able to provide a complete VPN configuration file. Otherwise, we'll provide VPN configuration information that will need to be entered into the gateway.
VPN Gateway IPv4 Address
- Should be an address in a format like
- Should be an address in a format like
SQL Server IPv4/CIDR Subnet
- Should be a subnet in a format like
- Should be a subnet in a format like
(optional) SKP IPv4/24 Subnet
- Leave this blank unless you require the SKP to use a specific
subnet for its end of the VPN. We will use172.16.0.0/24
as a default if it doesn't conflict with the SQL Server subnet.
- Leave this blank unless you require the SKP to use a specific
Add a Data Source
The Data Source will appear in your SKP tenant's Dashboard Builder tool. It is a SQL Server database connection that allows you to create datasets, analyses, visuals, insights, and ultimately dashboards.
The ticket should contain all of the following information. Send any questions to Syniti Tenant Provisioning.
Tenant ID - get your {tenant id} by logging in and clicking your tenant name at the bottom of the user menu in the top-right
(optional) VPN Name
- Leave this blank unless you know you have multiple custom dashboard VPNs.
(optional) Data Source Label
- When this is left blank, the Data Source label will be the name of the SQL Server database.
SQL Server IPv4 Address
- Should be an address in a format like
- Should be an address in a format like
SQL Server Port
- 1433 is the default port for SQL Server.
SQL Server Database
- We recommend creating a database named [dgDashboards] to populate with data for the custom dashboards. However, you are free to specify any SQL Server database.
SQL Server Login
- We recommend creating a read-only login named [quicksight_readonly] to allow the custom dashboards to access your specified database. However, you are free to specify any SQL Server login.
Login Password Emailed to Support - send via encrypted email to
- DO NOT provide the SQL Server login password in the ticket.
(optional) Use SSL
- If SSL is used, the data source server's certificate MUST be issued by a publicly trusted certificate authority. Self-signed certificates and certificates signed by internal CAs will be rejected.
Add Dashboard Author(s)
You can specify up to 10 SKP users who will be granted access to the Dashboard Builder tool.
The ticket should contain all of the following information. Send any questions to Syniti Tenant Provisioning.
Tenant ID - get your {tenant id} by logging in and clicking your tenant name at the bottom of the user menu in the top-right
Dashboard Author Email(s)
- List the email address of each SKP user for which you wish to enable (or disable) custom dashboard authoring. Note that your SKP tenant is limited to 10 of these custom dashboard author accounts.