Features Update
Feature | Sub-Feature | Description |
Workflow Management | Email workflow | Dynamic email address notification after final approval |
Interface Configuration | 0G outbound implementation | Restrict proxy enhancement creation for finance Outbound implementations |
Business Rule Management Workflow Management |
BAdI Implementation | Filters Maximum Limit Check for Badi implementations |
RDG General | Supernova | Add additional capabilities information into the copilot launch token to support backward compatibility |
Add categorization to the main menu |
Bug Fixes
Bug/Issue | Description |
Master Data Consolidation | Config IDs not available in combo boxes when creating adapters for MDC |
RDG AI Copilot | Copilot Ready message is persistent when user switches screens |
Data Model Management | On click of Back button in model, even on pressing OK, it doesn't go to previous screen |
Filter packages and transport selected in Data model edit | |
Workflow Management | Placeholders for attribute value insertion in email templates not working |
Business Rule Management | Cannot add additional deriving attributes to cross entity rule for BP_BKDTL |
No popup for badi selection for business rules | |
Business Rules Validation Messages pasting value error | |
Change the max restriction for attributes list to 2000 | |
Values in the rules shows different description after saving | |
Incorrect warning message for attributes without suggestions | |
Creating new rules, shows the previously open rule settings |