Features Update
Transport Requests |
Mention type of Transport Request in Title of Tr Fragment |
Data Model |
SMT mapping for modified attributes - UOM/Currency field assignment |
Workflow Maintenance |
Data type and length validations in dynamic/parallel workflow |
Business Rules and Field Properties |
Provide a better User interface for the SIngle value derivation (Check Expression) |
Copy UI properties by change request step type |
Data Type conversion and length restriction for Single rules/properties |
Multiple selection of attributes as driving and deriving columns |
Interface Configuration |
More details on error page to tell user how to resolve them |
Allow inserting new data into soa segments if value is initial |
Allow modifications to the mapping table only interface is active |
SOA Service implementation for BP and MM |
Bug Fixes
Data Model | Provide values for currency/UOM field |
Business Rules and Field Properties |
Multiple words for attribute value not saved in single value rules |
Illegal data type conversion error for single Ui property rules |
Business rules to be imported are locked in another transport |
Asking for workbench request when deleting CR even though there is no BAdI is involved |
Interface Configuration |
User name missing from message if DRFIMG is locked |