Features Update
Feature | Sub Feature | Description |
Manage Data Model | View button for Entity/Attribute details | User can now view Entity/Attribute details of any data model without the need of choosing a Transport or locking data models |
Manage Workflow | 4 eyes Principle | If enabled when creating change request type, a change request created by user will not allowed to approve/reject the CR (if user is a part of list of processor) |
Email Generation for Parallel Approvers | Email to be sent to all parallel split approvers when workflow flows through parallel split node. User will not be allowed to add email template for parallel merge node | |
Manage Business Rules/Field Properties | Rule on Attribute Length | User can now create a business rule or Field Property when length of attribute value in nwbc matches the condition (Ex: An error message when postal length is not equal to 10) |
Custom BAdI Implementation | When creating a multi Value Validation/Derivation Rule or a UI Property, if corresponding filter values do not exist in any active BAdI Implementation, the user is asked to either select any active implementations or create a new Implementation (Added to allow users to add custom code if needed) | |
Value Conversion based on Data Element | For Attributes with datatype NUMC, leading zeroes are automatically added and for datatype Decimals, decimal points and digits after decimal point is added on enter (Same behavior when user enters a value (100) for Gross weight when creating material, it gets converted to (100.000) | |
Value Length Restriction | User will not be allowed to add characters to any attribute values beyond the maximum length specified in the data element | |
Manage Field Properties | UI Properties to control behavior of entity | Based on a condition, user can disable all Input fields pertaining to one entity (Like all AD_POSTAL fields in Address Section) or disable entire UIBB (Like UIBB for Role) |
Manage Business Rules | Select Standard Classes for Multi Value Validation Rule | User should be able to select classes to create multi validation Rule |