Table of Contents
- Overview
- User Guide
- Quick Checklist to Copy Wave
- Copy Wave – Overview of the process
- Copy Wave - Waves - (Under Copy Wave Sub Menu)
- Copy Wave – Objects - (Access from Process Area (Waves))
- Copy Wave – Targets - (Access from Process Area (Waves) or Objects)
- Copy Wave – Transform Targets & Rules - (Access from Waves Page)
- Copy Wave – Transform Targets & Reports - (Access from Targets Page)
- Copy Wave – Transform Targets & Exports - (Access from Targets Page)
- Copy Wave – Remediations - (Access from Transform - Reports)
- Copy Wave – Assembly Where Clause- (Access from Waves)
- Copy Wave – Cross Referenced Databases - (Access from Waves)
- Copy Wave – Dependent Objects - (Access from Cross Referenced Databases)
- Copy Wave – Self Reference - - (Access from Waves)
- Copy Wave – Sources - (Access from Waves)
- Copy Wave – Business Contacts - (Access from Waves)
- Copy Wave - Developers Contacts - (Access from Waves)
- Copy Wave – Error Messages- (Access from Process Area or Waves)
- Copy Wave – Click the Copy on the Wave Page
- Copy Wave - Scope trouble Shooting
- Copy Wave – Check List
- Subsequent Sections of this Article
psaProjectQA provides each project with extra functionality to assist ADM success. The issue tracker stores project related issues. Metrics charts assist management with understanding the project completion. There are DOCIT & TrackIt options for clients who require more documentation on each step that is being executed. The Pre-Load and Post-Load reports auto generate to assist in the verification process. The Advance Copy Wave process assists in the copy and validation of the wave.
Key Features:
- Track internal issues with Source Data or ADM toolset
- Dashboard Metrics to view project status
- Documented Object Processing steps for auditors
- Pre-Load and Post-Load reporting for data load into Target ERP system
- Advance Copy Wave with easy overrides for the next wave.
This accelerator is sectioned into four online articles:
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 1 - Details Issues
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 2 - Details Metrics
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 3 - Details Sightline and Auto-Validation
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 4 - Details Copy Wave
User Guide
Quick Checklist to Copy Wave
- Open Page Copy Wave page.
- Add a Wave and let the On-Validate load the components.
- Add a database in SSMS for Conversion and register the database in DSPCommon.
- Add a database in SSMS for Report Cache and register the database in DSPCommon.
- Assign the Data Source on the Process Area.
- Assign the Report Cache Data Source on the Process Area.
- On Targets page, verify the Rules, Reports and Exports to be copied are checked.
- On Sources page, choose which sources should be copied and include the mappings.
- On the Developers page, choose the developers to be copied or the developer as the replacement.
- On the Business Contacts page, choose the business contacts to be copied or the business contact as the replacement.
- Assemble Where Clause Database allows a database to replace the existing one.
- Error Summary displays a list of missing SQL Objects.
Copy Wave – Overview of the process…
Copy Wave provides the capability of performing user defined wave copies by allowing to adjust the scope from the wave level down to the target table level. Any discarded object for migration can be copied any time after the initial copy is done. Also, it allows to generate a new wave based on several different waves that are already created, adding some flexibility to the copy process.
Additionally, it allows the user to:
- Automatically create the new databases in SQL along its data sources in DSP
- Generate the new records at the Advanced View Builder
- Replace all the databases referenced in scope
- Replace, add or discard sources in scope and its mappings
- Replace, add or discard both business and developer contacts
- Track the creation of every object in either SQL and DSP with traffic lights
- Track pre- and post-trigger error messages
PSA Wave Management replicates everything comprehended within the source wave but the Transform Source rules and Transform Source Reports.
Assemble packages for source or target tables at the source or target databases (sdb or dg) are excluded from migration.
Databases, tables or fields configured or coded within any mapping are not replaced by the new ones. Transform DataServices, Report Segment Users, Report Users, Report Column are not considered to copy. Rebuild Field Construction Pages for a wave or a Target are not applied.
Databases in stored procedures are not set to be replaced.
Copy Wave - Waves- (Under Copy Wave Sub Menu)
First, click Add button, and select the Wave to be copied. Then, it will require you to pick a Source wave from the list box button and fill in the New Wave (Name) and New Wave Description. If New Target System ID is left blank, it will be automatically populated with the Source wave's target system ID.
Click Save. Saving process can take some time since the webapp is pulling all the information from the Source wave.
Note: Created image is set to red indicating the new wave does not exist yet. Also, buttons trailing display numbers indicate that information for that wave could be copied to the new wave.
Now, it is time to define the scope. By default all PAs, OBs and TTs are set to copy. Click Process Area button unless the child pane displayed is already pointing to them.
Click Copy Process Area to unselect those process areas that are out of scope. Edit those remaining in scope. They require a new data source and a new report cache data source. Data source is the database a process area or an object uses to store all sorts of views, tables and procedures. Report cache data source stores the results of the report views.
Both can either be populated from the list box or from a free text entry. For a free text entry, when copy is triggered, it generates a new database along with a datasource record at the data source registry. These new records should prefix with 'dsw'.
Additionally, database defined in the new datasource are used to replace any reference to the database for the datasourceID from the Source wave in all of the views and procedures created for the new database. Also, if any of the datasourceID's databases are found in cross referenced databases for any process area, the database for the new data source is automatically filled-in by default. See Cross Referenced Databases section for details.
Click save and select whether you want to add a record at the Advanced View Builder.
Do not click Wave Copy until all new settings are entered for all pages.
Web Page Screen:
Image Definitions:
Copy Wave – Objects - (Access from Process Area (Waves))
Define the objects and target scope for each process area in scope. Click the Objects button to open the Objects: Targets page. Click Copy Object to include or exclude the object from scope.
Click Targets button for each object to see dependent target tables. Click Copy Target to include or exclude from scope.
To consider objects in scope PAs, OBs and TTs must be set to copy. As example if a PA is marked for copy, an OB for that PA is not marked for copy and the TTs for that OB are marked for copy, none of those TTs are in scope, so none will be migrated.
Go back to Waves page. Note that the button counters have changed due to the scope definition. So, depending on the scope definition all the dependencies will change, so every time it is changed, all dependencies and steps explained below must be reviewed.
Web Page Screen:
Image Definitions:
Copy Wave – Targets - (Access from Process Area (Waves) or Objects)
It is necessary to define the rules, reports, remediations and exports in scope for each TT defined in scope. Click Transform button to open the Transform - Targets: Transform - Rules page.
By default, all rules, reports, remediations and exports are set to be copied if they are active at the Source wave.
Web Page Screen for the Targets Page:
Image Definitions:
Copy Wave – Transform Targets & Rules - (Access from Waves Page)
Click Rules button on the Transform - Targets page unless that the child pane displayed is already pointing to rules. Click Copy Rule to include or exclude from scope.
Note: View the code for each view and procedure by clicking on its name.
When a rule points to an external database, a symbol is displayed. Same for a self-referenced table.
You can see all dependencies for each view by clicking on the dependent objects button.
Web Page Screen: (Image Definitions on the Targets Page)
Copy Wave – Transform Targets & Reports - (Access from Targets Page)
Click Reports button on the Transform - Targets page; click Copy Report to include or exclude from scope; and click Copy Remediation to include fixed and regular remediations in scope.
Note: View the code for each view by clicking on its name.
Note: When a report points to an external database, a symbol is displayed. The same is true for a self-referenced table.
View all dependencies for each view by clicking the Dependent Objects button. In case there are no remediations, Copy Remediation button is disabled and Remediation button does not display any number. In the case where there is a Fixed Remediation, the Fixed Remediation created traffic light will be displayed as red.
Web Page Screen: (Image Definitions on the Targets Page)
Copy Wave – Transform Targets & Exports - (Access from Targets Page)
Click Exports button on the Transform - Targets page. Click Copy Export to include or exclude from scope.
Note: View the code for each view by clicking on its name.
When an export points to an external database, a symbol is displayed. The same is true for a self-referenced table.
View all dependencies for each view by clicking on the dependent objects button.
Web Page Screen:
Image Definitions:
Copy Wave – Remediations - (Access from Transform - Reports)
Click Reports button on the Transform - Targets page. Click Remediation button on Transform - Reports page to open the remediations. Click Copy Remediation to include or exclude from scope. If Copy Remediation in Transform - Reports page for that view is not ticked, it will not copy the remediation.
Note: View code for each view and procedure by clicking on its name.
When a remediation points to an external database, a symbol is displayed. The same is true for a self-referenced table.
View all dependencies for each view by clicking on the dependent objects button.
Web Page Screen:
Copy Wave – Assembly Where Clause - (Access from Waves)
Click Assemble Where Clause Database button. Child pane changes to display the Assemble Where Clause Databases found in any of the target sources in scope. If New Database field is left empty, Assemble where clauses are not be changed, otherwise New Database will replace Database. Also, note that New Database has the option to enter a free text which means that that text will replace the Database but it will not create a new database in SQL.
Web Page Screen:
Copy Wave – Cross Referenced Databases - (Access from Waves)
Click Cross Referenced Databases in the Waves page to open the Cross-Referenced Databases: Cross Referenced Views page. The parent pane displays the cross databases*1 referenced at any view in the scope by process area. If New Database field is left empty, databases in the views for that process area remain the same, otherwise New Database replaces Database. Also, any New Database entered as a free text generates a new database in SQL unless it already exists.
For each database displayed, there is at least a view or a table where it is referenced. If Views button is clicked, all views that the database points to for that process area are displayed.
Parent View Name displays the view registered in ADM in either rules, reports, exports or remediations. Referencing View is the name of the view where the database is referenced. View Name is the name of the view that the database is pointing to.
Click Tables button to view all tables that the database is pointing to for that process area.
Referencing View is the name of the view where the database is referenced. Table Name is the name of the table to which the database is pointing. Unlike the Cross-Referenced Views, in case a new database has been selected for replacement, tables can be created in that new database. Select Create Table field to do so.
Web Page Screen:
Image Definitions:
Copy Wave – Dependent Objects - (Access from Cross Referenced Databases)
Dependent Objects shows views and/or tables being used in the current wave about to be copied. This page is referenced in several other pages.
Copy Wave – Self Reference - (Access from Waves)
Return to Waves page. Click the Self Referenced Tables button. to display the Self Referenced Tables: Self Referenced Views page. The parent pane provides the tables by Process Area referenced at any view or sub view used in any rule, report, export, or remediation in scope from the Source wave that are not yet included for creation.
If Force Creation button is selected that table is generated in the new dsw database. If Force Creation is not selected, Parent View Name view displayed in the Self Referenced Views page and its tables or view dependencies are not created unless they are used in another view. Click Dependent Objects button to see all dependencies.
The table displayed at Self Referenced Tables > Table Name field might not be a valid table since the source data or the source table might change.
Copy Wave – Sources - (Access from Waves)
Return to Waves page. Click Sources button. It opens as a child pane the Sources page.
Four scenarios may be set up in Sources. They can coexist in the same copy wave:
- Split Source: A source can be split into multiple sources
- Discard Source: A source can be discarded
- Merge Source: Different sources can merge into a source
- Replace Source: A source is replaced by another
Split Source
Click Add button. Click to highlight the Source ID that needs to split. Select Copy Source field and enter an value in the New Source ID field.
Discard Source
All sources are by default discarded. To discard a source, Unselect the Copy Source field.
Merge Source
To merge the source, select Copy Source for all Source IDs to merge and update the New Source ID values to the same value.
Replace Source
Select Copy Source field in order to replace Source ID with New Source ID.
Also, you can include or exclude the copy of all the mappings (in Map) for a source.
Web Page Screen:
Image Definitions:
Copy Wave – Business Contacts - (Access from Waves)
Access Waves page. Click Business Contacts button. It opens as a child pane the Business Contacts page.
Four scenarios may be set up in Business Contacts. They can coexist in the same copy wave:
- Append Users: Users are maintained at all TTs in scope
- Discard Users: Users are not maintained anywhere
- Keep Users: Same users are kept on the same TTs
- Replace Users: Users are replaced on the same TTs where the Source ones were
Append Users
If Append To All Targets is selected for any user, it is maintained for all TTs in scope. Users to append to all targets can be either set at the Source wave already, and so displayed when the Business Contacts Page is open, or added manually by clicking the Add button.
Note: If Append To All Targets is selected, Copy User is disabled and visa versa.
Discard Users
If Copy User and Append To All Targets are not selected, the User ID is discarded.
Keep Users
To keep the same users in the same TTs, select Copy User field.
Replace Users
To replace one user with another one, select Copy User field and maintain New User ID value.
Note: Users added manually, cannot be copied because they are not maintained in the Source wave.
Web Page Screen:
Image Definitions:
Copy Wave - Developers Contacts - (Access from Waves)
Access Waves page. Click Developer Contacts button. It opens as a child pane within the Developer Contacts page.
Four scenarios may be set up in Developer Contacts (Same as Business Contacts). They can coexist in the same copy wave:
- Append Users: Users are maintained at all TTs in scope
- Discard Users: Users are not maintained anywhere
- Keep Users: Same users are kept on the same TTs
- Replace Users: Users are replaced on the same TTs where the Source ones
Append Users
If Append To All Targets is selected for any user, it will be maintained for all TTs in scope. Users to append to all targets can be either set at the Source wave, and so displayed when the Developer Contacts Page is open, or added manually by clicking the Add button.
Note: If Append To All Targets is selected, Copy User is disabled and visa versa.
Discard Users
If Copy User and Append To All Targets are not selected, the User ID is discarded.
Keep Users
To keep the same users in the same TTs, select Copy User field.
Replace Users
To replace one user with another one, select Copy User field and maintain the New User ID value.
Note: Users added manually, cannot be copied because they are not maintained in the Source wave.
Web Page Screen:
Image Definitions:
Copy Wave – Error Messages- (Access from Process Area or Waves)
Access Waves page. Click Error Messages button. It opens as a child pane the Error Messages page.
Even though the copy wave has not been triggered yet, it may provide a few error messages that might need revision for example a view in scope is missing at the Source database. When the Copy Wave is triggered, it will fail.
Review all error messages, check whether those views are necessary and if so, try to fix the error beforehand.
Web Page Screen:
Copy Wave – Click the Copy on the Wave Page
Once all previous steps have been met, access Waves page and click Copy Wave button.
The copy make take time to generate. If Plugins are not installed (which by default they are not) and a new database has been created for a new process area, once the copy wave is completed, go to Admin > Data Sources and click on any Data Source validation button once.
Once it finishes go to PSA Wave Management webapp. All traffic lights should work properly.
Note: A few traffic lights may have changed before performing those actions, however, not all of them may change.
If the Wave Copy is successful, review in either PSA Wave Management or in ADM the scope. Check that all have the green traffic light: PAs, OBs, TTs, Transform views and procedures. A new trigger can be processed at PA, OB, TT or Transform level. The system itself enables the right options (See Error! Reference source not found.)
If the Wave Copy fails, go to Error Messages page, review what failed (see traffic lights and error messages for more information) and try to fix it. Remember that a new trigger can be processed at PA, OB, TT or Transform level. The system itself will enable the right options (See Error! Reference source not found.)
Additional information:
- If AVB option was selected, it will register a record in Collect > Tools > Advanced View Builder and views will be created in the new database. However, the database used by each record at the AVB must be reviewed and, if necessary, records must be processed again in order to recreate all views.
- Review all fields, sources and users at Target Design. If necessary, trigger Sync to Map (not mandatory)
- Review all mappings, Sources, Assemble Where Clauses at Map. The code and configuration within mappings have not been changed. If Source Tables were not found at the source database, SELECT SOURCE watermark will be displayed.
- No standard Apps or functionalities are out of scope.
Copy Wave - Scope Trouble Shooting
If something was misconfigured as example a wrong source replacement has been applied, or a wrong User Id was configured or something large enough that would take extensive time to fix manually, there is a way to correct it:
Every table where the error was found must be deleted from ADM > Target Design.
Then, access PSA Wave Management and refresh the browser's page (press F5). Now, TTs should be displayed as not created. In order to re-generate those TTs.
Copy Wave – Check List
- Register the new wave in PSA Copy Wave Management.
- Define PAs, OBs, TTs and Views/Procedures at Transform In Scope.
- Define NewDataSources, NewReportCacheDataSource, and AVB for each PA in scope. If the SQL user does not have permissions to create and modify databases, it would be necessary to create those beforehand if transform elements are necessary.
- Define SOs, BCs, DCs
Double check SO 1-1 correlations. If necessary, add new sources or replace existing. Select necessary ones for copy and define whether mappings are necessary.
If users must be set up where they were set up, select Copy User field. If any needs to be replaced, select Copy User and fill in New User ID value.
If there is a user that needs to be set up in all tables, Select Append To All Targets field.
If user is no longer involved in the new migration, leave all flags empty.
- Set up new Assemble Where Clause Databases if necessary. If New Database is left blank, Source Assemble Where Clause is copied as it is.
- Self-Referenced Tables and Cross-Referenced Databases
- Self-Referenced Tables: Tick to force creation those necessary
- Cross Referenced Databases: Fill in a NewDatabase in case it is necessary to change the database in all the correlated tables and views. Also, in case a database replacement is set, tables can also be created in that database.
- Transform. Click at the Transform button.
Define rules, exports, reports and remediations in scope. By default, all inactive are disabled.
- Trigger Wave Copy
- If PlugIns are not installed (which by default they are not), once the copy wave is completed, go to Admin > Data Sources and click on any Data Source validation button once.
- Check errors page to review that all reports and rules have been created successfully (see traffic lights).
If AVB option is selected, it registers a record in Collect > Tools > Advanced View Builder and views are created in the new database. However, databases used by each record at the AVB must be reviewed and a record must be processed again in order to recreate all views.
- Review all fields, sources and users at Target Design. If necessary, trigger Sync to Map (not mandatory)
- Review all mappings, Sources, Assemble Where Clauses at Map. The code and configuration within mappings have not been changed. If Source Tables were not found at the source database, SELECT SOURCE watermark will be displayed.
- No standard Apps or functionalities are out of scope.
- If it needs to be reprocessed, trigger Generate Transform button.
Subsequent Sections
This accelerator is sectioned into four online articles:
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 1 - Details Issues
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 2 - Details Metrics
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 3 - Details Sightline and Auto-Validation
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 4 - Details Copy Wave
NOTE: Syniti’s Professional Service Accelerators (psa) have been developed and are supported by a team of senior consultants. The psas are designed to supplement the Stewardship Tier delivered features with content and automation that accelerate the progress of the project. If you have any questions or encounter any issues while using a psa, please submit a support ticket and be sure to select the psa on the form.
The attached document outlines installation, configuration, and usage information for the psaProjectQA application, an accelerator for the Syniti Stewardship Tier (SST, formerly DSP).
Professional Service Accelerators (PSAs) are licensed separately from the SST. For more information, please email NASMT@syniti.com. To download or install a PSA, submit a request to Syniti support.