Table of Contents
- Overview
- User Guide
- Quick Checklist to Metrics
- Metrics - Wave by Object - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics - Wave by Source - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics - Databases - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics - Field Action - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics - Field Mappings - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics - Value Mapping - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics – Transform Summary - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics – Transform Errors - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics – Transform Rule Audit - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics – Load Counts by Wave - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics – Load Counts by Object - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics – Count Data Entry - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics – User Metric Launch - (Under Metrics)
- Metrics – Field Mapping Gate - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Metrics – Value Mapping Gate - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Metrics – Wave Admin - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Metrics – Database Admin - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Metrics – Load Target Cycle Dates - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Metrics – Load Target Cycle (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Metrics – Workflow Admin - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Metrics - Parameter - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Metrics – Missing Gate Metrics - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Metrics – Missing Value Mapping Gate - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
- Subsequent Sections of this Article
psaProjectQA provides each project with extra functionality to assist ADM success. The issue tracker stores project related issues. Metrics charts assist management with understanding the project completion. There are DOCIT & TrackIt options for clients who require more documentation on each step that is being executed. The Pre-Load and Post-Load reports auto generate to assist in the verification process. The Advance Copy Wave process assists in the copy and validation of the wave.
Key Features:
- Track internal issues with Source Data or ADM toolset
- Dashboard Metrics to view project status
- Documented Object Processing steps for auditors
- Pre-Load and Post-Load reporting for data load into Target ERP system
- Advance Copy Wave with easy overrides for the next wave.
This accelerator is sectioned into four online articles:
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 1 - Details Issues
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 2 - Details Metrics
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 3 - Details Sightline and Auto-Validation
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 4 - Details Copy Wave
User Guide
Quick Checklist to Metrics
- Dashboard begins providing data as soon as the service pages begin processing.
Value Mappings requires Wave Metrics to be entered in Console.
NOTE: If using DSP 7.4 or higher, Value Mapping Metrics must be entered in Value Mapping Gate within the Configuration Menu.
Field Mappings requires the Wave Process Area Metrics to be entered in Console.
NOTE: If using DSP 7.4 or higher, Field Mapping Metrics must be entered in Field Mapping Gate under the Configuration Menu.
Load Count by Wave requires Load Target Cycle Dates to be populated for the Dashboard to work.
NOTE: If using DSP 7.4.x or higher, this process uses the Load Cycle settings in the ADM tool.
- User Login Counts track usage by day. Users that start background processes have higher counts due to each background process counting as another login.
- Wave Admin can be used to turn on or off gathering wave information.
- Database Admin can be used to turn on or off gathering of database objects.
- Count Data Entry displays exports for Targets that have been activated for tracking. Developers have 7 days from the export to load the values into the dashboard.
Metrics - Wave by Object - (Under Metrics)
Wave Object page provides percentage complete by object. The second chart displays counts of mappings per object. The last two options display a quick view of the mappings completed or waiting to be completed by a business user.
This provides the client project lead a quick glance at the work being done.
Image Definitions:
Wave by Object count of mapping completed or in process statistics.
Quick summary details of mapping in progress or completed.
Metrics - Wave by Source - (Under Metrics)
Wave by Source completion percentage assists the project lead to determine if a source is lagging in completion. This could be critical if there is scope change to remove source from the current wave.
Image Definitions:
Wave by Source count of mappings completed or in process.
Quick summary details of mapping in progress or completed.
Metrics - Databases - (Under Metrics)
Database Metric Launch used in ADM waves. Details of the objects can be accessed by clicking on the images.
Image Definitions:
Metrics - Field Action - (Under Metrics)
Field actions help determine the amount of effort for a Wave. Default rules and Copy rules are easily automated within the system. Manual rules or Manual Construction rules are more complicated to develop/test since these are complex logic required for the client to do business.
Construction rules are used for data enrichment and require web application component development. The chart below is a comparison of automated vs developed rules with a total line.
Image Definitions:
This chart displays current total count of rule actions in the wave as well as changes over time. Rule Action is not used, however no code is required for those fields.
Detailed daily and weekly counts of the wave objects used to generate the charts.
Metrics - Field Mappings - (Under Metrics)
Field mapping actions display the business user completed actions vs the incomplete actions. The business must drive the mapping actions before the developer build the mapping actions. These measurements use Gate Target Dates defined in dspMigrate. Field mapping rules target dates are defined at the Wave-ProcessArea web page. Dates are a general goal for the project: e.g. 50% done by June 30th for Mock Load 2, and 90% done for Sept 30th Mock Load 3.
Field Mapping gate metrics are accessed from the link on Wave-ProcessArea web page.
If running DSP 7.4 or higher, this page link has been removed. Enter the Gate settings using the Field Mapping Gate under the Configuration menu of psaMetric.
Wave Process Area Gate Metrics should be entered to match the project dates. A service page updates these stats daily or a user may click the Process Metrics image in the Map application.
Field Mapping Metric Complete By Time Dashboard displays the changes over time and a summary of completed and incomplete mappings.
Details of the counts that are processed daily and summed up weekly and monthly.
Image Definitions:
Metrics - Value Mapping - (Under Metrics)
Value mapping actions display the business user completed value actions vs the incomplete value actions. Value mappings are critical for correctly converted values loading to the system in project Target loads. Value mapping value dates are defined at the Wave page. Dates are general goals for the project, for example - 50% done by June 30th Mock Load 2, or 90% done for Sept 30th Mock Load 3.
Value Mappings Gate Metrics are created on the page below. The link is off the main wave page in Console application. If running DSP 7.4 or higher, this page link has been removed. Enter the Gate settings, Using the Value Mapping Gate under the Configuration menu of psaMetric.
Value Mapping Complete By Time Dashboard showing the changes over time by day and a total summary of completed and incomplete value mappings.
Details of the counts that are processed daily and summed up weekly and monthly.
Image Definitions:
Metrics – Transform Summary - (Under Metrics)
Transform Summary Metric Launch maintains metric counts of sources, source rules, target rules and target reports. These charts and detailed summary provide for a user information on how objects are developed over time.
Image Definitions:
Dashboard showing the changes over time for sources, source rules, target rules and target reports. Pie chart is the total count of each object registered in Transform by Wave-ProcessArea.
Details of the daily counts by Wave-ProcessArea, Wave-ProcessArea-Object and Wave-ProcessArea- Object-Targets. The process also shows the developers working on the different targets.
Metrics – Transform Errors - (Under Metrics)
Transform error maintains metric counts of target report business ready errors and the number of records that were remediated. These charts and details summary show how critical data is being fixed by value mapping or by business users changing the rules to fix the data.
Image Definitions:
Pie Chart shows error count and remediated fix count. There is a 30-day line chart to show the changes made by the business group.
Detailed metric counts are stored as Wave-ProcessArea, Wave-ProcessArea-Object and Wave- ProcessArea-Object-Target. The last image displays the Target developers working this object.
Metrics – Transform Rule Audit - (Under Metrics)
Transform audit metrics are designed to track rules created and rules registered and validated as they exist in the database. During a development cycle, rules may be marked inactive or deleted for lacking business information or for data being incomplete to finish the rules. These pages display values for the project leader to perform a quick check on the delivered project.
The main page shows the counts detailed at the Wave-ProcessArea and changes per week.
Image Definitions:
This Chart displays rules in the database and not in the database via PIE chart. The Weekly change shows objects by created, altered or deleted.
This is an example of the detail rule tracker by days and then summed to weekly and monthly totals. Charts can be created to show that level of detail if the project requires it.
Metrics – Load Counts by Wave - (Under Metrics)
Load Wave Cycle displaying percentage chart with green being successfully loaded and red being failed records. Users can click on the other chart to display record counts or click on details to see the history.
Record counts by wave. Green display success data record loads for the wave. Red display the failed record data loads for the wave.
Details of Wave Cycles by action on date.
Target Export must be unique per Target Data Cycle that are marked USE FOR COUNT on the dashboard per Target Data Cycle.
Image Definitions:
Metrics – Load Counts by Object - (Under Metrics)
Load Object Cycle displaying percentage chart with green being successfully loaded and red being failed records. Users may click on the other chart to display record counts or click on details to see the history.
Record counts by object. Green display success data record loads for the object. Red display the failed record data loads for the object.
Details of Object Cycles by action on date.
Target Export must be unique per Target Data Cycle that are marked USE FOR COUNT on the dashboard per Target Data Cycle.
Image Definitions:
Metrics – Count Data Entry - (Under Metrics)
Transform exports are captured by the service page loaded into this table.
Target Export is displayed here each time it is processed and deleted after 7 days if it is not used for count on the Dashboard. Target Data Cycle and Target Export must be unique so files cannot be duplicated in the Target Data Cycle.
Update the LOADED COUNT and FAILED COUNT for the records loaded into Target ERP. Mext, click the process toolbar to update the Dashboards. Service page auto updates if the user forgets to click process.
Image Definitions:
Metrics – User Metric Launch - (Under Metrics)
User metrics are designed to measure how many times a user logs-in per day. These stats can be misleading for two reasons. First, if the user is active all day, it may only show one log-in because there were no timeouts between a user clicking action buttons on the screen. Second, when a background processing job runs, it creates a new log-in for the user who clicked a process. If a user runs 30 Targets in Transform, it counts every one as a log-in to the systems. Therefore, you may see one log-in and a lot of mapping work. You may see 120 log-ins because they were running a series of Transform Targets, and perhaps doing other work. If you see no log-ins, it means they did not access DSP for that day. They may have worked on SQL SERVER development or Data Services Development that day.
Image Definitions:
User Metric Launch displays last log-in and the targets they have been assigned to work on. These values are loaded from Target Developers in Target Design. Click the process image to update the statistics by a batch job that runs for a few minutes. The last image displays the metric history showing daily, weekly and monthly stats.
Image Definitions:
Metrics – Field Mapping Gate - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Field Mapping Gate page coexists with the page in Console 7.3 or lower; and it replaces the page in Console 7.4 or higher.
Users must select Wave and Process Area, enter Gate Name, Target Date and Target Percentage. Field Mapping counts all actions mapped with a valid action. Not Used action must be entered for all active fields with no business requirements to get the percentages to 100%.
The counts and percentage are calculated when the service page is executed within the Map application.
Gate Metrics stops calculation when the current day is greater than the Gate Date.
Metrics – Value Mapping Gate - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Value Mapping Gate page coexists with the page Console 7.3 or lower; and it replaces the page in Console 7.4 or higher.
Users must select Wave and Process Area, enter Gate Name, Target Date and Target Percentage. The percentages are counting the number of XREF values that have been mapped from Source Value to Target Value.
The counts and percentage are calculated when the service page is executed within the Map application.
Gate Metrics stops calculation when the current day is greater than the Gate Date.
Metrics – Wave Admin - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Wave Admin web page displays wave activity metric application and provides missing Gate metrics. If Active is checked, the stats are processed for this database. The delete button removes all stats for the wave in the database.
Image Definitions:
Metrics – Database Admin - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Database Admin page displays all databases found in Wave-Process Area-Object configuration. It tracks metrics on the changes made to the objects for each database. To remove the entry and all metrics associated, mark the database inactive and click the Delete image on the toolbar.
Image Definitions:
Metrics – Load Target Cycle Dates - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Building Target Cycles Dates from the beginning must start on this page. DSP 7.4.X supports reading the Load Cycles from Console.
LOAD ALL Process Areas execution works for a Target Data Cycle and Target date if the Data Cycle and Target Dates have been entered for a single row.
Load Wave adds any missing Process Areas to all the Load Data Cycle to the table. The first row is used as a Template for the other process areas.
Image Definitions:
Metrics – Load Target Cycle (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Load Target Process Area displays waves and process areas with Target Data Cycles and Target Dates.
Child binding on the child page prevents adding more Target Cycles from being added but the LOAD ALL Process Areas execution works for a Target Data Cycle and Target date.
Load Wave adds missing Process Areas to the Load Data Cycle to the table.
Image Definitions:
Metrics – Workflow Admin - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Report Admin creates XLSX dashboards via Automate Interface. This interface runs file commands and CranPort to update XLSX data sheets for the graphs. This page allows users to be assigned and creates the files on a scheduled basis.
Image Definitions:
Metrics - Parameter - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Parameter page provides options for the number of days to maintain the metrics of the project. There is a Date option to display some dates in European format.
Metrics – Missing Gate Metrics - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Missing Gates Metrics page displays all waves missing in Field Mapping Gate metrics. This page is READ ONLY and is displayed as a missing image on the Wave Admin page.
As of DSP 7.4.x, this process has been removed in Console. It is now visible in the Metrics Configuration menu.
Metrics – Missing Value Mapping Gate - (Under Metrics Configuration Sub Menu)
Missing Value Mapping Gate page displays all waves missing in Value Mapping Gate metrics. This page is READ ONLY and is displayed as a missing image on the Wave Admin page.
As of DSP 7.4.x, this process has been removed in Console. It is now visible in the Metrics Configuration menu.
Subsequent Sections
This accelerator is sectioned into four online articles:
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 1 - Details Issues
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 2 - Details Metrics
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 3 - Details Sightline and Auto-Validation
psaProjectQA Installation and User Guide - Part 4 - Details Copy Wave
NOTE: Syniti’s Professional Service Accelerators (psa) have been developed and are supported by a team of senior consultants. The psas are designed to supplement the Stewardship Tier delivered features with content and automation that accelerate the progress of the project. If you have any questions or encounter any issues while using a psa, please submit a support ticket and be sure to select the psa on the form.
The attached document outlines installation, configuration, and usage information for the psaProjectQA application, an accelerator for the Syniti Stewardship Tier (SST, formerly DSP).
Professional Service Accelerators (PSAs) are licensed separately from the SST. For more information, please email NASMT@syniti.com. To download or install a PSA, submit a request to Syniti support.
Updated on December 29, 2022