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Issue with Long Text Upload




  • Best answer
    Ben Bauer

    Hi Ravi,

    If there is a "parent" upload table and a "child" upload table, then I believe you'll need to arrange the long text data so that each customer has a distinct record in the "parent" upload table and the data in the "child" upload table will need to list the appropriate ParentID value. Right now, it sounds like there is only 1 record in the "parent" upload table, so Integrate tries to load it all in 1 pass. Does this make sense?

    If I'm way off here, then I recommend opening a ticket with us for further assistance from all our experienced agents.

  • Venkata Ravi Kumar Mullamuri

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for the response. 

    Let me try from my side and if i am not able to do, i will raise a support ticket.

  • Venkata Ravi Kumar Mullamuri

    Hi Ben,

    Parent and child upload worked for me.

    I maintained distinct customer and parent id in parent table and in child table i maintained long text and linked to parent table using Parent Id column and i was able to upload long text as expected.

    Thanks for your support.

    Thanks & Regards



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