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Business rules or Validation rules - boaEdit and boaSave




  • Best answer
    Joseph Flesche

    The OnValidate event runs when a record is saved or when this icon is clicked.

  • Joseph Flesche

    Is the DCS Page that you are talking about within dspMigrate?

    boaEdit identifies if a record is editable on a page. It can be added as an event on a page, but I am not too sure how this would function. I also checked the instances of DSP that we use and none have boaEdit identified as an event. So I cannot look at an example on my side.


    As far as I know boaSave is not a field. Are you talking about the OnValidate page event?


    What exactly are you looking to do? Maybe that would assist in getting to your goal.

  • Vamshi Krishna Akinapally

    Hi Joseph,

    Thanks for your Response.

    I am Working on one Custom Webapp development. Requirement here is, when User Edit and Save a record on the Page I want set of Stored Procedures to get Executed.

    Same as OnValidate event I want an Event which Executes a set of Stored Procedures automatically once Users save the record.



  • Ben Bauer

    Joe is right on the money as always!  The OnValidate event does indeed run each and every time a record is saved (not just the first time).  Here are some more details on the event:

  • Joseph Flesche

    Ben Bauer,

    Thank you for the kind words! I've spent quite some time in the DSP (and Cransoft) framework designing custom WebApps and I finally feel comfortable answering these questions! I hope I am helping here!

  • Ben Bauer

    Joseph Flesche,

    You are definitely helping.  We love to see the collaboration!

  • Vamshi Krishna Akinapally

    Thank you Ben Bauer and Joseph Flesche

    I got answer to My question.


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