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How to generate a report in CSV file format?




  • Best answer
    Guillaume Brochet

    Hi Ravi,

    When reports outputs a high number of rows, format is automatically switched from xlsx to csv, which is the opposite of what you want ;)

    Maybe you could try setting the limit to a low volume to have you report as CSV ? Also i guess this would impact your whole system.

    Try this one : (be sure to backup the default value before)

    UPDATE [Console].[dbo].[ztParam]

      SET ReportMaxRows = 1, ReportMaxSupportedRows = 1

      WHERE One = 1

    This blog details the opposite of what you want :

  • Ben Bauer

    Hi Ravi,

    What DSP component are you downloading from?  If you download straight from a DSP page menu, then you can select CSV.  Other specific components might not have a CSV option, but we can check.

  • Venkata Ravi Kumar Mullamuri

    Hi Ben,

    I am downloading the reports from Transform tab, when i click on the button as highlighted in yellow below, by default it downloads the data in XLSX format. But my requirement is to download it in CSV format with Tab column delimiter.

    Is there anyway we can download report from below option in CSV format with Tab column delimiter?

  • Ben Bauer

    Very clever approach, Guillaume!  Thank you for sharing it here.

    @Ravi - All of the Transform report parameters are found in the "Report Settings" section of this page:

    NOTE:  You can find the "Report Max Rows" and "Report Max Supported Rows" settings on this page.  So I recommend you update their value in the front end of the application so you don't have to run the direct SQL query.

    If you would like to see additional Transform report parameters, then please request them by opening an Idea in the Syniti Ideas Portal.

  • Venkata Ravi Kumar Mullamuri

    Thank you Guillaume Brochet & Ben Bauer , it answered majority of my query.

    I want to generate CSV file with TAB delimiter, however i can't see that option in Report delimiter option,

    Is there any other place where we need to update this delimiter settings?

  • Ben Bauer

    Hi Ravi,

    It occurs to me now that a tab-delimited CSV is probably not possible.  After all, a CSV is essentially a comma-delimited file.  If you changed the commas to tabs, then what you would really have is a tab-delimited text file, not a CSV file.

    If you're aiming to produce tab-delimited text files from Transform reports, then I'm afraid it won't be possible.  The existing design for Transform reports is to generate either XLSX or CSV files.

    This might be a tedious workaround, but you can register report views as Transform exports that generate tab-delimited text files.  The exports can be registered in such a way that they execute an Assemble package.  And Assemble packages can produce tab-delimited text files.  Of course, these exports can't be distributed with Transform report delivery.

  • Venkata Ravi Kumar Mullamuri

    Hi Ben,

    I have generated Tab delimited text file and currently it is saved under D:\adm\Transform\Export directory.

    How to get this file from server location to our local desktop folder?

    Thanks & Regards


  • Ben Bauer

    Hi Ravi,

    I assume you're asking how to download the file (generated from Assemble) without accessing the remote desktop of the application server.  These are the first 2 methods that come to my mind:

    1)  Create a service page with a workflow event that sends the file as an email attachment every X days.  You could also create a page with a button that fires the workflow event.  Relevant product help is here:

    2)  Create a page with a File column property that allows you to download the file.  Relevant product help is here:  (I'm not a huge fan of this help page and would prefer step 4 to list "Physical" instead of "Virtual".  Also, the notes on step 3 are not correct.  The full filepath should be entered with backslashes, such as "D:\adm\Transform\Export".)

  • Venkata Ravi Kumar Mullamuri

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for the response.

    I will check these options and will let you know for further queries.


    Thanks & Regards



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