How to Create Context Bar Navigation Links for your WebApp, which provides a navigation experience similar to dspMigrate
Naming Convention: Web*Tbv
- Create a table with columns corresponding to the number of links you wish to display.
- Name the Columns to match the text you wish to be viewable to the user
- No Primary Key required to display in the view
- Example:
- Create a view based on that table
- Name the view Web*Tbv, where * is the table name
- Add data to your table
- Input for a simple link: aspx?PageID=3fcb7c70-bf1e-45c4-b528-dd7428195cc0
NOTE: PageID is can be referenced in Technical Help. It can also be found in the Page table in the cransoft database.
- Input for a Vertical display of a vertical view: aspx?PageId=b5b76d9b-3920-45ab-8564-6cabea1bc69b&Layered=True&State=Vertical
- To Alias a link and provide additional formatting viewable to the user, add a column boa* to your table. ‘*’ corresponds to the column that you wish to format.
- The text “▾” is an example of a shape that will display visually to the user
- Example:
Example of ToolBar Filter View
- Input for a simple link: aspx?PageID=3fcb7c70-bf1e-45c4-b528-dd7428195cc0
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