GPS navigation software has become an essential life tool. Tell it where you want to go, and it shows you how to get there. Pretty simple.
But consider this from a broader point of view. Your car is an asset. It can take virtually any route to get to various destinations that you want to reach. But some of those routes are longer in length, some experience heavy traffic congestion at random points in time, and others undergo periodic repair or improvement. Modern GPS navigation software embeds artificial intelligence that analyzes the conditions along all possible routes, and shows you the routes that will get you to your destinations most quickly - continuously, even while you are in the middle of a trip as new information becomes available.
Said another way, GPS navigation software guides you to better uses of your car (an asset) to reach your destination (a goal). This increases the value that your car provides to you.
BackOffice Associates has developed a similar approach for business data. Data is also an asset. It can help your business achieve strategic goals that protect and grow the firm, and can be a source of competitive advantage. Our Information Governance Cloud (IGC) solution helps businesses get more value from data by guiding business users to opportunities that use and manage it better, so that it has a greater impact on your business. Users define strategic goals using business terminology - rather than the technical language of data management - and embedded artificial intelligence learns how your business uses data, and suggests changes that it finds to be highly effective that can better enable your business to reach those goals. As a result, your business can reduce costs and risks across data activities, achieve faster time to value on business initiatives, simplify compliance efforts, and adapt more quickly to evolving business conditions.
In future blogs, we’ll talk more about the unique and innovative capabilities we are delivering on an ongoing basis within the IGC. To learn more about how managing data as a critical asset can lead to better business outcomes, download a complimentary copy of our eBook, “The Need for Sustainable Information Governance.”