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MANDT as key in multi key value Mapping




  • Best answer
    Patricia Ainsworth

    The OnLine Help for Collect Target Sources Page, Vertical View, Sap Settings contains this info about Remove Client From Key: If enabled, builds primary keys without the client field (usually MANDT). This feature can only be used if only 1 client is downloaded (i.e., All Clients is disabled).  Used for RFC and SAP Text data downloads. Default value is Disabled.

    The generic way to remove MANDT from being added as part of the key is to check the Remove Client from Key box for the Target Source.

  • Michelle Boehm

    System Types will be enhanced in DSP 6.6.2 to include a checkbox to exclude the client field on import. This will easily remove MANDT from the entire mapping process.

  • Victor Gazquez

    Hello Tim,

    In addition to my colleague answers;

    In your scenario, you would need to manually change the Lookup table configuration to avoid the RuleXref.

    You likely already know, but let me describe the two steps you have to follow in case someone else need it.

    1. Design > Configuration > Lookup Table Setup > look for T005 

    Here, I guess you have Value table Column 1 = MANDT and Value Table Column 2 = LAND1. If so, you have to remove MANDT from Value table Column 1 and replace it for LAND1 (you also have to remove LAND1 from Value table Column 2).

    2. To keep consistent the design, you will need to apply this change also to your system type,

    Common > System Types > Tables > Look for T005 and make the same change. This action is slightly different depending on your DSP version, I am only have the latest so I cannot check, but as far I remember, prior to 6.6 you would need to change all the table that contain T005, after 6.6, you only have to change T005 and it would be updated in all tables.

    Keep both synced is important because otherwise, when you import a table, if the lookup table configuration does not match, it is not inherited into the Target Design.

    Please let us know if we have answered your quesiton




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