On the Filter View, a user can further narrow filter results by using the Text Box Range and wildcards.
The Text Box Range displays as two fields on the filter for a specified column, such as a text field, numeric data, or date and time ranges. Users define a high and/or low range to filter that column’s results. These ranges are inclusive. If the user specifies a range of 1 to 3 on a column with numeric data, any record containing values 1, 2 or 3 displays on the filtered page.
For high range criteria, the DSP® returns any column that starts with the string. Technically, the string Web comes before WebApp. If the user specifies Web as the high range, the filter includes results for WebApp.
On character data columns, the column’s sort order determines the order of the characters. A case sensitive sort order produces different results than a case insensitive one.
With character data, NULL values are normalized to a zero length string. A filter that includes only a high range value returns columns with NULL values and zero length strings. Any filter that includes low range criteria excludes records with NULL values and zero length strings for the specified column.
The Text Box Range control also allows users to perform wildcard matches. To perform a wildcard match, specify a value in either the high or low range fields, but not both. This value must contain the wildcard character; otherwise it is assumed the user is filtering by range.
The wildcard character matches zero or more characters. The following examples show various uses of the wildcard character and describe the result of each:
- Web* – Matches values that start with Web.
- App – Matches values that end with App.
- WebApp* – Matches values that contain the word WebApp.
- Web*App* – Matches values that contain the word Web App, as well as phrases like Web Application.