The first thing to do is to create your own Bitmap or JPEG (BMP,JPG) file using a tool such as Paintbrush or Photoshop. More often than not if it is your company logo that you wish to use you can cut and paste an image from your web site by right clicking your mouse on the image and selecting ‘Save Picture As’. The image should be sized so that the width is approximately 1.5 times the height for best resolution. The 360Science logo is a Bitmap and is sized 656 * 442 pixels although a smaller image should work fine provided that the relative scale is similar. Once your logo has been created it must be placed in the root folder of mDesktop. In my case this is c:\program files(x86)\mDesktop.
To place your own logo on mDesktop reports simply go to the EDIT- OUTPUT LAYOUTS – REPORT BRANDING menu. Click on the control button which follows the Company Logo field and you will be able to navigate to your own Bitmap file. You should now find that mDesktop reports incorporate your logo. You can also change the company name and contact details to your own company in the same menu option.option.