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The following field types can be used when specifying the outputs when the engine is running in normalization mode.
All input fields are equivalent to the column types listed in Appendix A - Column Types.
Refer to Appendix B - Match Keys for further details on all key fields.
Unique Ref
- UniqueRef.
- FullName;
- Prefix;
- FirstNames;
- Forenames - synonym for FirstNames;
- MiddleNames;
- Initials;
- LastName;
- Surname - synonym for LastName;
- Qualifications;
- Suffix;
- Salutation;
- Contact;
- Prefix2;
- FirstNames2;
- Forenames2 - synonym for FirstNames2;
- Initials2;
- MiddleNames2;
- LastName2;
- Surname2 - synonym for LastName2.
Input fields:
- InputFullName;
- InputPrefix;
- InputFirstNames;
- InputForenames - synonym for InputFirstNames;
- InputMiddleNames;
- InputInitials;
- InputLastName;
- InputSurname - synonym for InputLastName;
- InputQualifications;
- InputSuffix.
Key fields:
- NormalizedName;
- NormalizedFirstName (from version;
- NormalizedLastName (from version;
- NameKey;
- PhoneticLastName;
- Name1 - synonym for PhoneticLastName;
- PhoneticFirstName;
- Name2 - synonym for PhoneticFirstName;
- PhoneticMiddleName;
- Name3 - synonym for PhoneticMiddleName;
- FirstNameFound;
- Gender;
- Organization;
- Company - synonym for Organization;
- Department;
- JobTitle.
Input fields:
- InputOrganization;
- InputCompany - synonym for InputOrganization;
- InputDepartment;
- InputJobTitle.
Key fields:
- NormalizedOrganization;
- NormalizedOrg1 (from version;
- NormalizedOrg2 (from version;
- NormalizedOrg3 (from version;
- OrgAcronym (from version;
- OrganizationKey;
- PhoneticOrganizationName1;
- OrgName1 - synonym for PhoneticOrganizationName1;
- PhoneticOrganizationName2;
- OrgName2 - synonym for PhoneticOrganizationName2;
- PhoneticOrganizationName3;
- OrgName3 - synonym for PhoneticOrganizationName3;
- AlphabeticOrganizationWordA;
- AlphabeticOrganizationWordZ.
- Address1;
- ...
- Address9;
- Town;
- City - synonym for Town;
- Region;
- State - synonym for Region;
- County - synonym for Region;
- Postcode;
- ZIP - synonym for Postcode;
- PostOut;
- PostIn;
- Plus4 - synonym for PostIn;
- DeliveryPoint;
- DPS - synonym for DeliveryPoint;
- Country;
- Premise;
- FlatNo;
- SubPremise - synonym for FlatNo;
- Thoroughfare;
- Street - synonym for Thoroughfare.
Input fields:
- InputAddress1;
- ...
- InputAddress9;
- InputTown;
- InputCity - synonym for InputTown;
- InputRegion;
- InputState - synonym for InputRegion;
- InputCounty - synonym for InputRegion;
- InputPostcode;
- InputZIP - synonym for InputPostcode;
- InputPostOut;
- InputPostIn;
- InputPlus4 - synonym for InputPostIn;
- InputDeliveryPoint;
- InputDPS - synonym for InputDeliveryPoint;
- InputCountry.
Key fields:
- AddressKey;
- PhoneticStreet;
- PhoneticTown.
- Telephone;
- TelAreaCode;
- TelLocalNumber;
- Fax;
- FaxAreaCode;
- FaxLocalNumber.
Input fields:
- InputTelephone;
- InputFax.
- Email;
- Username;
- Domain;
- TLD.
Input fields:
- InputEmail.
Date of Birth
- DateOfBirth;
- DOB - synonym for DateOfBirth.
Input fields:
- InputDateOfBirth;
- InputDOB - synonym for InputDateOfBirth.
- Website;
Input fields:
- InputWebsite;
Custom Fields
- CustomField1;
- ...
- CustomField9.
Input fields:
- InputCustomField1;
- ...
- InputCustomField9.
Quality Scores
- NameQuality;
- AddressQuality;
- EmailQuality;
- MasterPriority;
- AddressLength.
These are numeric scores that indicate the quality of an item. 0 tyically indicates missing, badly-formatted, or nonsense data, increasing up to 9 for perfect-quality data. Note that quality scoring is not enabled by default (refer to the Advanced Configuration Guide for further details).
- Other;
- Other1;
- ...
- Other32.
- DataFlags - for diagnostic and testing purposes.
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