If you find that you are missing matches on similar company names getting scores that are too low, you can usually improve the matching by adding words and phrases to the Names table (via the Jobs/Setup menu, Names and Words option). For example, to enable Mytchett Newsagent to match Mytchett Newsagency as a sure match on company name, add “Newsagency” as an entry with type Business, Matching Equivalent of “News” – you will see that Newsagent and Newsagents already have a matching equivalent of News.
If you want to match Mytchett News and Mytchett Post Office, add “Post Office” as a Double Word entry with type Business, Matching Equivalent of “Post Office” – for this, you have to select the appropriate option from the Look at dropdown at the bottom of the screen. We don’t recommend that you set Post Office as equivalent to News or to PO, so after adding the entry for Post Office to the Names table, you will have to use Loose Business Matching to match Mytchett News and Mytchett Post Office. You can also tune company name matching via the Name Matching Matrix option in the Jobs/Setup menu.