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The following match keys are available for use; refer to Matching -> Match Keys for further details.
- NormalizedName;
- NormalizedFirstName (from version;
- NormalizedLastName (from version;
- NameKey;
- PhoneticLastName;
- Name1 - synonym for PhoneticLastName;
- PhoneticFirstName;
- Name2 - synonym for PhoneticFirstName;
- PhoneticMiddleName;
- Name3 - synonym for PhoneticMiddleName;
- FirstNameFound;
- Gender.
NameKey: The first five characters from PhoneticLastName, plus the first character from the first name.
NormalizedName: A normalization of the name in upper case, of the form "LastName,FirstName,MiddleName" - for example, "SMITH,JOHN,R."
PhoneticLastName/Name1: A phoneticization of the last name, up to eight characters in length by default.
PhoneticFirstName/Name2: A phoneticization of the first name, up to eight characters in length by default.
PhoneticMiddleName/Name3: A phoneticization of the middle name, up to eight characters in length by default.
FirstNameFound: Either Y (yes) or N (no) to indicate whether a firstname has been recognized.
Gender: Either M (male), F (female), E (either), or X (inconsistent).
- NormalizedOrganization;
- NormalizedOrg1 (from version;
- NormalizedOrg2 (from version;
- NormalizedOrg3 (from version;
- OrgAcronym (from version;
- OrganizationKey;
- PhoneticOrganizationName1;
- OrgName1 - synonym for PhoneticOrganizationName1;
- PhoneticOrganizationName2;
- OrgName2 - synonym for PhoneticOrganizationName2;
- PhoneticOrganizationName3;
- OrgName3 - synonym for PhoneticOrganizationName3.
OrganizationKey: The first five characters from PhoneticOrganizationName1 plus the first five characters from PhoneticOrganizationName2.
NormalizedOrganization: A normalization of the company name in upper case, of the form "FirstWord,SecondWord,ThirdWord" - for example, "HELPIT,SYSTEMS,LTD"
PhoneticOrganizationName1/OrgName1: A phoneticization of the first word of the company name, up to eight characters in length by default.
PhoneticOrganizationName2/OrgName2: A phoneticization of the second word of the company name, up to eight characters in length by default.
PhoneticOrganizationName3/OrgName3: A phoneticization of the third word of the company name, up to eight characters in length by default.
- AddressKey;
- PhoneticStreet;
- PhoneticTown;
- PostOut;
- PostIn;
- Premise.
PhoneticStreet: A phoneticization of the address's street, up to eight characters in length by default.
PhoneticTown: A phoneticization of the address's town, up to eight characters in length by default.
AddressKey: The first four characters from PhoneticTown plus the first four characters from PhoneticStreet. This will always be eight characters in length, and should never be trimmed because spaces are meaningful.
PostOut: The first half of a postcode (UK, Canada) or the first five digits of a US ZIP code; for all other countries this will be a copy of the postcode.
PostIn: The second half of a postcode (UK, Canada) or the last four digits of a US ZIP+4 code; blank for all other countries.
Premise: A copy of the premise that's been extracted from the address. Often used in conjunction with AddressKey to reduce the number of records in each cluster (e.g. AddressKey + Premise).
- TelAreaCode;
- TelLocalNumber;
- FaxAreaCode;
- FaxLocalNumber.
TelAreaCode: Specifies the area code at the start of the telephone number.
TelLocalNumber: Specifies the local part of the telephone number. For example, the area code for the UK telephone number 01372360070 is 01372 whilst the local number is 360070.
FaxAreaCode: Specifies the area code at the start of the fax number.
FaxLocalNumber: Specifies the local part of the fax number.
From version 2.0.3
Any mapped input fields can be used in keys, simply prepend the column type with "Input".
It is not recommended to use input fields in fuzzy keys. Since the values of input fields are not normalized in any way, it is recommended to apply the Match Key Functions PUNTRIM and UPPER.
- InputFullName;
- InputPrefix;
- InputFirstNames;
- InputForenames - synonym for InputFirstNames;
- InputMiddleNames;
- InputInitials;
- InputLastName;
- InputSurname - synonym for InputLastName;
- InputQualifications;
- InputSuffix.
- InputOrganization;
- InputCompany - synonym for InputOrganization;
- InputDepartment;
- InputJobTitle.
- InputAddress1;
- ...
- InputAddress9;
- InputTown;
- InputCity - synonym for InputTown;
- InputRegion;
- InputState - synonym for InputRegion;
- InputCounty - synonym for InputRegion;
- InputPostcode;
- InputZIP - synonym for InputPostcode;
- InputPostOut;
- InputPostIn;
- InputPlus4 - synonym for InputPostIn;
- InputDeliveryPoint;
- InputDPS - synonym for InputDeliveryPoint;
- InputCountry.
- InputTelephone;
- InputFax.
- InputEmail.
- InputDateOfBirth;
- InputDOB - synonym for InputDateOfBirth.
- InputWebsite;
- InputCustomField1;
- ...
- InputCustomField9.
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