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Generate Tab

Generate Name Options
Default gender | The Default Gender property is the gender to assume when the matchIT API can't determine whether the name is male or female e.g. Chris Smith, C Smith. |
Use equivalent name | If enabled, the input first name is replaced with its equivalent from the NAMES.DAT file. |
Enhanced double barrelled lookup | When enabled, this setting will cause an unrecognised middle name to be considered part of a non-hyphenated double-barrelled last name. |
Process blank last name | With this setting enabled, a blank lastname will cause extra processing to be performed on other input data to help detect typographical errors. |
Parse name elements | When enabled, this will cause input name elements (including prefix, firstnames, and lastname) to be parsed. |
Detect inverse names | Attempt to identify addressee names that have been specified with the lastname preceding the firstnames, provided a comma delimiter follows the lastname (for example, "Smith, John" where Smith is the lastname). |
Parse as normalized name | Addressee names are assumed to be in a delimited normalized format. |
Generate Company Options
Use equivalent name | If enabled, then the equivalent (according to the NAMES.DAT file) of words indicating a business name, such as "Motors" or "Services" are included in the normalized organization name and the corresponding phonetic keys. |
Normalization truncation | If enabled (non-zero), and the organization consists of more than three words, then the third element of the normalized organization name will be truncated to the first N characters of each word after the first two (where N is the value of this setting). |
Ignore parentheses | With this property enabled, any words that are enclosed with parentheses within an organization name will be excluded from the phonetic organization keys. |
Ignore trailing post town | Exclude any trailing post town from the phonetic organization keys. |
Generate Address Options
Verify postcode | If enabled, verifies and corrects the format of the postcode. |
Default street line | This property is used when the generating a phonetic address key, to indicate the position of the street and the town in the address. |
Lines to scan | This property enables personal names to be extracted from address lines. It can be set to 1 or 2. |
Premise first | Indicates whether to expect the premise or flat number to come first in address lines |
Generate Options
Drop excluded words | When enabled, flag any records that contain exclusion words in any of the key fields. |
Consider casing | When enabled, consider the casing of the incoming data when splitting the data up for extracting keys, proper casing, and so forth. |
Variable keys max length | Specifies the maximum length of various variable-length phonetic keys. |
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