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The DedupeJdbc application demonstrates using the matchIT Hub for Spark ‘Row’ classes to work with SQL tables, Rows, and Spark Dataset & RDDs.
The command line argument to DedupeJdbc is the name of a configuration file. This is an xml file in the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Define one input for single table Matching -->
<!-- Define two inputs for Overlap Matching
</input> -->
<!-- Output database and table name. -->
<input table="0" columns="|UniqueRef|FullName|Company|Address1|Address2|City|State|Zip" />
The <dedupeJdbc> section is specific to this application.
input | Details of an input database table. |
connectionString | Jdbc connection string. |
table | The name of a database table. |
partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound, numPartitions | partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound, numPartitions must all be specified to load the data into multiple partitions in parallel. Refer to the Spark documentation for details. |
output | Details of an output database table. |
delimiter | The delimiter used when converting records to delimited string in order to pass to the underlying matching engine. |
licenceFile | A file containing the product activation code. |
See DedupeConfiguration for a description of the configuration options: licenceFile, logLevel, groupingAlgorithm, idField, and maxIterations.
The <hub> section configures the underlying matching engine. Refer to the matchIT Hub documentation for details. The <hub> section must contain the following sub-sections: data, matching, threads, advanced.
Running the sample
The DedupeJdbc sample can’t be run out-the-box like the DedupeTextFile sample because it requires a SQL database and the relevant Jdbc drivers. Nevertheless, a sampleconfig.xml and are provided to demonstrate how to set this up to run.
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