DSP Expert
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We have done this with Excel Integration on the page within dspCompose, Register a procedure to the data entry button to insert a sample record. This will provide a record in the Excel spreadsheet...
TEmpson: Hi Alyssa. Do you know what code page the Russian text is encoded with? We had a legacy system where they used western european code page, but then changed the code page on the fly in thei...
CBermingham: Summaries run on their own schedule, which is controlled by a service page. Go to Monitor > Configuration > Schedule Service Page. There you can edit the "Build Summary Workflow Report...
Official comment KVandergriend: A Fire Fighter ID is no different than a standard SAP User ID. Simply update the user login information in Data Source registry > User Credentials.
Official comment PTowe: If I understand the question correctly, it's just a simple where statement: SELECT B.ProjectID, B.boaUserID, B.[Count] FROM B INNER JOIN A ON B.boaUserID = A.UserID Where viewzeroRecords=1 o...
AGarcia: Here is an example for FIELD status group = '3000'. Yours could be different: SELECT dbo.TMODU.TABNM, dbo.TMODU.FELDN, dbo.T004F.FSTAG, dbo.T004F.BUKRS, dbo.TMODU.MODIF, dbo.T004F.FAUS1, d...
Official comment SUddin: The system runs an availability check in the supplying plant (issuing plant) for stock transport orders. The checking rules that you define in Customizing determine which stocks (for exampl...
Official comment MUpton: Navigate to Assemble > Configuration > Connection Types. Find the row “SQL” and the column “Code Page.” Change the value from 2 to 1. Navigate to the Vertical View of the Assemble package...
MBohne: This can also be accomplished using a DOS Batch file and either running it via Powershell, scheduled task, etc. The NET USE command can be fed login information to map a drive to a remote ...
PTowe: Andy, having used CTS on a live system I can tell you how it appears to behave. As no-one else has replied, maybe this is better than no answer? My comments are based on CTS in ADM 6.5. Firs...