DSP Expert
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Official comment VGazquez: Hi Sergio/Didac, Unfortunately, as far as I know, this action is not possible (I hope the Development team adds it in the next release). According to the documentation, only fields with C...
Official comment SUddin: The system runs an availability check in the supplying plant (issuing plant) for stock transport orders. The checking rules that you define in Customizing determine which stocks (for exampl...
Official comment MUpton: Navigate to Assemble > Configuration > Connection Types. Find the row “SQL” and the column “Code Page.” Change the value from 2 to 1. Navigate to the Vertical View of the Assemble package...
PCardoso: Kurt, I have not had the need to do this. I did some digging and it appears this is an area that has lacked attention from Microsoft and the CLR wrapper seems to be the only viable approa...
Official comment MGlaeser: There are more procedures, functions, and routines that run in the DSP than in the old platforms and they won't run if you copy system types through the back end. One suggestion is to fin...
CBermingham: You can copy the system type directly using INSERT INTO...SELECT statements. Override the key values and the system type name with appropriate values. You can find all of the tables yo...
JValerio: It depends on what the kind of stock transfer you have if you do a 2-step movement in inventory management by only using movement types 313 and 314. Using these movement types, the transf...
CBermingham: Why are you restarting the app pool manually? You would still lose any WIP running in IIS. If you are hitting max effective App Pool memory allocation, look at scaling to multiple serv...
EWeldon: I’ve executed batch files in the past using the procedure: Cransoft..boaJobAddCommandTask
CBermingham: If you have permission to use xp_cmdshell, you can call the PowerShell script directly from a SQL Server stored procedure. Ensure that the DB process has the right to execute files whe...