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Show Error on WebApp Page from Stored Procedure




  • Best answer
    Tyler Warden

    You could use a Validation Stored Procedure as opposed to a Validation View.  I think the approach you used is a good one but, as you said, the control you have over error messages is limited.  

    Your approach for error handling form the database is what I suggest you use - yes - but if you can use validation views/procedures to catch the errors before hand I think you will give a better UX


  • Joseph Flesche

    You could use a Validation Stored Procedure as opposed to a Validation View.

    Good point. And this logic would be generic in nature, so I could have a generic stored procedure written to pass the parent page variable / value. In order to limit the number of Stored Procedures, I believe that I need to remove the strict naming convention (problem is that this is a shared WebApp).

    Your approach for error handling form the database is what I suggest you use - yes - but if you can use validation views/procedures to catch the errors before hand I think you will give a better UX

    Agreed and makes sense. Thank you for the feedback.


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